
May 22, 2014:

5:31 PM Changeset in pacpusframework [308] by gsanahuj
modifs nlle toolchain

May 5, 2014:

4:00 PM Changeset in pacpussensors [49] by phudelai
bug fixed
12:37 PM Changeset in pacpussensors [48] by phudelai
Flea3 repository name changed for PtGreyCameras more general name
12:35 PM Changeset in pacpussensors [47] by phudelai
Last update for the camera

Apr 28, 2014:

10:08 PM PacpusSensors/SickPlugins edited by cfougera
recording configuration explained (diff)

Apr 22, 2014:

6:34 PM Changeset in pacpussensors [46] by phudelai
Flea 3 plugin added
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.