

15:25 WikiStart edited by DHERBOMEZ Gérald


12:35 Changeset in pacpussensors [80] by DHERBOMEZ Gérald
add default config file
12:25 Changeset in pacpussensors [79] by DHERBOMEZ Gérald
Comment of log
12:24 Changeset in pacpussensors [78] by DHERBOMEZ Gérald
- Usage of the new interface of win32serialport - Correction of a bug …
11:54 Changeset in pacpussensors [77] by DHERBOMEZ Gérald
Deletion of useless code


17:14 Changeset in pacpusframework [343] by phudelai
mise à jour du decriptor
17:12 Changeset in pacpusframework [342] by phudelai
mise à jour du decriptor
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.