

18:24 Changeset in pacpusframework [145] by Marek Kurdej
Update: Logger initialization invoked in PacpusSensor.
18:20 Changeset in pacpusframework [144] by Marek Kurdej
Minor update: Log using LOG_... macro as well.
18:16 Changeset in pacpusframework [143] by Marek Kurdej
Update: Logger initialization invoked in DbitePlayer.
17:55 Changeset in pacpusframework [142] by Marek Kurdej
Update: minor uncommented. Info: cannot use …
17:48 Changeset in pacpusframework [141] by Marek Kurdej
Major update: using Boost.Log if PACPUS_USE_LOG is true. Added: …
16:50 Changeset in pacpusframework [140] by Marek Kurdej
Update: using qt_wrap_ui, qt_wrap_cpp everywhere.
16:47 Changeset in pacpusframework [139] by Marek Kurdej
Fixed: qt_wrap_ui, qt_wrap_moc compatibility macros for Qt4/Qt5. …
15:59 Changeset in pacpusframework [138] by morasjul
fix include mane (Capital)
15:23 Changeset in pacpusframework [137] by Marek Kurdej
Renamed: caps fixes.
15:17 Changeset in pacpusframework [136] by Marek Kurdej
Renamed: fixed first letter uppercase.
15:15 Changeset in pacpusframework [135] by Marek Kurdej
Update: minor formatting.
15:04 Changeset in pacpusframework [134] by Marek Kurdej
Update: create_export adds automatically `add_definitions( …
14:54 Changeset in pacpusframework [133] by Marek Kurdej
Update: PacpusUtilities.cmake: create_export minor fix.
14:51 Changeset in pacpusframework [132] by Marek Kurdej
Update: PacpusUtilities.cmake: renamed export_${PLUGIN_NAME}.h -> …
14:17 Changeset in pacpusframework [131] by Marek Kurdej
Update: using Q_GADGET instead of Q_OBJECT to have signals/slot support.
14:11 Changeset in pacpusframework [130] by Marek Kurdej
[cmake] Update: renamed and cached variable QT5 -> PACPUS_USE_QT5.
14:04 Changeset in pacpusframework [129] by Marek Kurdej
Update: FindPacpus.cmake revisited.
12:53 Changeset in pacpusframework [128] by Marek Kurdej
Update: using CMake CMP0020 policy if supported (auto link qtmain.lib …
11:54 Changeset in pacpusframework [127] by Marek Kurdej
Update: PacpusDependencies.cmake, added a message to change …
11:40 Changeset in pacpusframework [126] by Marek Kurdej
Update: added dll export/import macros for PacpusTools.


17:47 Changeset in pacpusframework [125] by morasjul


09:16 Changeset in pacpussensors [17] by morasjul
Added: LMOComponent. (Lidar-Map-Odometry)


11:31 Changeset in pacpusframework [124] by morasjul
comment cmake policy because error linux fix createEcporrt cmake …
10:38 Changeset in pacpusframework [123] by morasjul
fix CMakeLists for windows


23:45 Changeset in pacpusframework [122] by morasjul
add function to PacpusSerialPort


12:42 Changeset in pacpusframework [121] by morasjul
add cmake macro and improve serial component


12:09 Changeset in pacpussensors [16] by DHERBOMEZ Gérald
add standards replay components for some sensors that has to be used …


16:59 Changeset in pacpusframework [120] by morasjul
- add PacpusSerialport (QT 5.1 required) - add part of QT4 / QT5 cmake …


10:52 Changeset in pacpussensors [15] by DHERBOMEZ Gérald
minor modifications


12:33 Changeset in pacpussensors [14] by Marek Kurdej
ExampleComponent: added parameters, fixed Log include.


13:20 Changeset in pacpussensors [13] by Marek Kurdej
[script] Update NewComponent.bat script.
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.