[[PageOutline(1-2,Contents,inline)]] = FAQ -- common run-time errors = == Plugin loader failure 1 == === Error message === {{{ #!div style="color: red" 000038 [2014-02-28 15:50:58.750509] cannot load plugin '!PluginName.dll'. Plugin loader returned error: The shared library was not found. }}} === Solution === See [http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/deployment-plugins.html] for more information about development of Qt plugins. You can set QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS environment variable to a non-zero value to see more information from plugin loader. 1. Check if filename '!PluginName.dll' is correct in your XML file. X. Check if the correct version (release/debug) is used, see plugins ''postfix'' attribute in the XML. X. Check if this file exists in the same directory as the executable. == Plugin loader failure 2 == === Error message === {{{ #!div style="color: red" 000038 [2014-02-28 15:50:58.750509] cannot load plugin '!PluginName.dll'. Plugin loader returned error: Cannot load library !.//PluginName.dll: ''...message in your language...'' }}} === Solution === See [http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/deployment-plugins.html] for more information about development of Qt plugins. You can set QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS environment variable to a non-zero value to see more information from plugin loader. 1. Check if this component CMakeLists.txt uses ```create_export``` and ```pacpus_plugin``` macros and that it adds generated files to the source file list, e.g.: {{{ create_export(EXPORT_HDR ${PROJECT_NAME}) pacpus_plugin(PLUGIN_CPP PLUGIN_H ${PROJECT_NAME}) set(SRCS ${PLUGIN_CPP} ... ) }}} X. Check for the missing DLL's dependencies, other DLLs can be missing (verify it using e.g. [[UsefulTools|DependencyWalker]]). [[BR]]''[Windows]'' Copy DLLs to the application's folder or add their folder to PATH. [[BR]]''[Unix]'' Make them visible to the linker. X. ''[Windows]'' Check if the .dll file exports any symbols (using e.g. [[UsefulTools|DependencyWalker]]). At least ```qt_plugin_instance``` and ```qt_plugin_query_metadata``` should be visible exported symbols. X. Check if the application, the **plugin and its dependencies** have been **built in the same release/debug version.** X. Check if the application, the **plugin and its dependencies** have been **built using the same compiler version.** [[BR]]''[Windows]'' Look for dependent DLLs like ```MSVCP110.dll``` or ```MSVCR110.dll```, check that the version, here 11.0, corresponds with your compiler and the version used by other DLLs. == ''[Windows] [Qt5]'' Qt cannot find platform plugin "windows" == === Error message === [[Image(qt5-platform-plugin-windows.png, align=center)]] === Solution === Copy folder "%QT_DIR%\plugins\platforms" to the folder where your application is executed (so that it has a subfolder "platforms"). == ''[Windows] [Qt5]'' Cannot load image file == === Error message === {{{ #!div style="color: red" 001556 [2014-03-04 12:13:20.566213] cannot load image file 'd:/2011_09_14_15_28_12/ptgrey/image6.jpg' }}} === Solution === Copy folder "%QT_DIR%\plugins\imageformats" to the folder where your application is executed (so that it has a subfolder "imageformats").