[[PageOutline(1-2,Contents,inline)]] = FAQ -- common run-time errors = == Plugin loader failure 1 == === Error message === {{{ #!div style="color: red" 000038 [2014-02-28 15:50:58.750509] cannot load plugin '!PluginName.dll'. Plugin loader returned error: The shared library was not found. }}} === Solution === See [http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/deployment-plugins.html] for more information about development of Qt plugins. You can set QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS environment variable to a non-zero value to see more information from plugin loader. 1. Check if filename '!PluginName.dll' is correct in your XML file. X. Check if the correct version (release/debug) is used, see plugins ''postfix'' attribute in the XML. X. Check if this file exists in the same directory as the executable. == Plugin loader failure 2 == === Error message === {{{ #!div style="color: red" 000038 [2014-02-28 15:50:58.750509] cannot load plugin '!PluginName.dll'. Plugin loader returned error: Cannot load library !.//PluginName.dll: ''...message in your language...'' }}} === Solution === See [http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/deployment-plugins.html] for more information about development of Qt plugins. You can set QT_DEBUG_PLUGINS environment variable to a non-zero value to see more information from plugin loader. 1. Check if this component CMakeLists.txt uses ```create_export``` and ```pacpus_plugin``` macros and that it adds generated files to the source file list, e.g.: {{{ create_export(EXPORT_HDR ${PROJECT_NAME}) pacpus_plugin(PLUGIN_CPP PLUGIN_H ${PROJECT_NAME}) set(SRCS ${PLUGIN_CPP} ... ) }}} X. Check for the missing DLL's dependencies, other DLLs can be missing (verify it using e.g. [[UsefulTools|DependencyWalker]]). (Windows) Copy DLLs to the application's folder or add their folder to PATH. (Unix) Make them visible to the linker. X. (Windows) Check if the .dll file exports any symbols (using e.g. [[UsefulTools|DependencyWalker]]). X. Check if both the application and the plugin have been built in the same version (release/debug). X. ... TO BE FOUND