
Version 1 (modified by DHERBOMEZ Gérald, 11 years ago) ( diff )


Getting the source code

To checkout PacpusFramework repository (version 0.1.1) into your workspace directory, e.g. into ~/workspace/pacpus,

cd ~/workspace/pacpus
svn co pacpusframework

Note: You can as well use any GUI wrapper for SVN, such as TortoiseSVN.

Using CMake


You have to point the source code directory with the root CMakeLists.txt file, e.g. ~/workspace/pacpus/framework and the build directory, e.g. ~/workspace/pacpus/framework-build. Then press Configure and Generate. You can change the CMake variables as well.


Without changing directory (stay in ~/workspace/pacpus), create a new directory for build, change the directory to the newly created one and execute CMake.

cd ~/workspace/pacpus
mkdir framework-build
cd framework-build
cmake ../framework -G "Unix Makefiles"

Note: You can specify a different makefile generator instead of -G "Unix Makefiles". Type cmake --help for a list of generators available on your platform.


If you have created Makefile files, than just run the command:


or a similar one (nmake, mingw32-make, etc.).

If you have created project files (for example using option -G Visual Studio 11), than just open the solution file Pacpus.(extension), e.g.:

Note: See TracWiki for help on using the wiki.