Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of PacpusTutorials

09/24/15 12:00:02 (9 years ago)



  • PacpusTutorials

    v1 v1  
     1= Pacpus tutorials =
     3== Foreword ==
     5Before reading these tutorials, please have a look at the GettingStarted page in order to install the framework.
     7The repository containing the tutorials is accessible through the URL in this command:
     10cd ~
     11cd dev/pacpus/
     12svn co
     15The repository contains several folders:
     16- template: you will find here some source codes (CMakeLists.txt, .cpp and .h) useful for the exercises.
     17- exercises: the wording of each tutorial.
     18- solutions: the solutions of the exercises (coming soon)
     20== Basic Concepts ==
     22=== Tutorial n°1: Creating your first PAPCUS project ===
     24The objective of this exercise is to understand the build process of a PACPUS project. The utility 'cmake' is used to create the Makefile of the project, and finally we use the GNU Compiler Collection to build the plugins.
     26Thanks to the different source codes (.cpp, .h and CMakeLists.txt) in the folder 'template', create a new PACPUS project containing just 1 component. This component may generate a message in the terminal at a user selectable frequency.
     28Once you have built your plugin, run it in /opt/pacpus/x.y.z/bin folder with the PacpusSensor executable.
     31- You can use QTimer to generate the timer.
     32- A component can be parametrized in a XML file, it might be useful to change the message display frequency.
     33- The tree of your project may be something like that:
     38   |
     39   |--> exercises
     40           |
     41           |--> exercise_1
     42                    |
     43                    |--> CMakeLists.txt
     44                    |--> MessageComponent.h
     45                    |--> MessageComponent.cpp
     46           |
     47           |--> build
     48                    |
     49                    |-->
     50           |
     51           |--> CMakeLists.txt
     56=== Tutorial n°2: Managing the communication of components ===
     61==== Exercise 2.1: communication between components ====
     64In this exercise we will develop a new component with one input and one output. The component should add a specific number defined as a parameter to the input value and provide the result as output. Before sending the result on the output it must wait for 1 second. The component will print to the terminal the result of the addition too.
     66Write the code of this component in a new plugin but use the same pacpus project as the exercise 1. Build and install the plugin in the PACPUS_ROOT/bin folder and execute the plugin with the PacpusSensor application.
     69- Now, the tree of your project may be something like that:
     73   |
     74   |--> exercises
     75           |
     76           |--> exercise_1
     77                    |
     78                    |--> CMakeLists.txt
     79                    |--> MessageComponent.h
     80                    |--> MessageComponent.cpp
     81           |
     82           |--> exercise_2
     83                    |
     84                    |--> CMakeLists.txt
     85                    |--> AdditionComponent.h
     86                    |--> AdditionComponent.cpp
     87           |
     88           |--> build
     89                    |
     90                    |-->
     91           |
     92           |--> CMakeLists.txt
     96==== Exercise 2.2: communication of variable size data ====
     98Create a new component in the same plugin as the previous one (exercise 2.1). It will have the same functionnality with the difference that it can do an addition on a vector of input values.
     100Build, install and run this new component.
     102Indication :
     103- you can use the QVector class as input/output type.
     107==== Exercise 2.3: Threaded component ====
     109From the component written in exercise 2.2 create a new component with the same interface. The addition must be done in a separate thread.
     111Build, install and run this new component.
     113Indication :
     114- Your component must inherit from the QThread class.
     115- Take care of the protection of the data to guarantee a thread safe execution.
     120== Advanced concepts ==
     122Soon available...