= Adding connection to the XML file = Let us suppose that we have createad a component ```MyComponent``` as described in [[TutorialAddingComponentToXML|previous tutorial]]. Also, we suppose that we had added an input called "pose-low-quality" and an output called "pose-high-quality" to our class ```MyComponent```. **Inputs:** We will take our input from a component of class ```LowCostGps``` named ```gps``` which has an output called ```"pose"```. **Outputs:** We will send our processed pose to another component ```othercomp``` of class ```OtherComponent`` which has an input called ```"pose"```. **Warning:** Output ```"pose"``` in class ```LowCostGps``` has the same type as our input ```"pose-low-quality"```. Similarly, input ```"pose"``` in class ```OtherComponent``` has the same type as our output ```"pose-high-quality"```. To add a connection, we will modify the ```connections``` node of the XML file. The rest of the file rests unchanged. {{{#!xml }}}