
Version 1 (modified by Marek Kurdej, 11 years ago) ( diff )


Adding inputs/outputs

To send data between components, Pacpus uses input/output system based on signals/slots.

We will try to add to our component called MyComponent:

  1. an output named "scan" of type LidarScan,
  2. an input named "pose" of type GeoPose2D .

So, add virtual methods overriden from ComponentBase: addInputs() and addOutputs() to the component:

// MyComponent.h

class My Component // ...
// ...
    virtual void addInputs() /* override */;
    virtual void addOutputs() /* override */;
// MyComponent.cpp

void MyComponent::addInputs()
    // inputs go here

void MyComponent::addOutputs()
    // outputs go here

Adding an output

To add an output, you have to use template method ComponentBase::addOutput<class OutputType, class ComponentType>(const char* outputName):

// MyComponent.cpp

void MyComponent::addOutputs()
    // outputs go here
    addOutput<LidarScan, MyComponent>("scan");

Adding an input

To add an input, you have to have a method in your class that will process it. It should take as the only argument, a constant reference to the type of the input. In our example, we suppose to have a function declared as follows:

void processPose(GeoPose2D const& pose);

You have to use template method ComponentBase::addInput<class OutputType, class ComponentType, typename ProcessingFunction>(const char* outputName, ProcessingFunction inputProcessingFunction):

// MyComponent.cpp

void MyComponent::addInputs()
    // inputs go here
    addInput<GeoPose2D, MyComponent>("pose", &MyComponent::processPose);

The second argument is the address (&) of our processing method. You can also use a free function or a functor object, as well as any other callable object, e.g. std::function, boost::function, etc.

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