
Version 11 (modified by Marek Kurdej, 11 years ago) ( diff )

active tickets


  1. PACPUS framework
    1. Compilation
      1. Prerequisites
        1. Tools
        2. Libraries
      2. Getting the source code
      3. Using CMake
        1. GUI
        2. Command-line
      4. Compiling
    2. Installation
    3. Getting started
    4. Documentation
    5. Active tickets

PACPUS framework





Getting the source code

To checkout Pacpus framework repository into your workspace directory, e.g. into ~/workspace/pacpus,

cd ~/workspace/pacpus
svn co framework

Note: You can as well use any GUI wrapper for SVN, such as TortoiseSVN.

Using CMake


You have to point the source code directory, e.g. ~/workspace/pacpus/framework and the build directory, e.g. ~/workspace/pacpus/framework-build. Then press Configure and Generate. You can change the CMake variables as well.


Without changing directory (stay in ~/workspace/pacpus), create a new directory for build, change the directory to the newly created one and execute CMake.

cd ~/workspace/pacpus
mkdir framework-build
cd framework-build
cmake ../framework -G "Unix Makefiles"

Note: You can specify a different makefile generator instead of -G "Unix Makefiles". Type cmake --help for a list of generators available on your platform.


If you have created Makefile files, than just run the command:


or a similar one (nmake, mingw32-make, etc.).

If you have created project files (for example using option -G Visual Studio 11`), than just open the solution file Pacpus.(extension), e.g.:



The PACPUS framework is available on several OS: Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.

  • Installation guide of PACPUS on Windows : TO COME
  • Installation guide of PACPUS on Linux Ubuntu : TO COME
  • Installation guide of PACPUS on Mac OS X : TO COME
  • Installation guide of PACPUS on Linux embedded : TO COME

Once you have successfully compiled Pacpus Framework, you can install it using:

make install

or, if you use a GUI-based development environment, you have to build the INSTALL target/project.

Getting started

The tutorials are under development, they will be published soon.



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Active tickets

Ticket Resolution Summary Owner Reporter
#8 PATCH: please add description heryelwa
#7 Diagrammes UML ldecherf ldecherf
#5 Add a possibility to display or not UI xuphilip
#4 Add a counter in setState method xuphilip
#3 The scope of m_ui may be protected xuphilip
#2 Strange behavior of FindPacpus.cmake that erase PACPUS_ROOT variable DHERBOMEZ Gérald
#1 Problem of LOG_INFO when passing a QString lifranck

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