Changes between Initial Version and Version 1 of WikiStartPrevious

09/16/15 12:18:00 (9 years ago)



  • WikiStartPrevious

    v1 v1  
     3= Overview of PACPUS =
     5PACPUS is a research platform of the Heudiasyc JRU UTC/CNRS 7253 in the field of Intelligent Vehicles. You can find more details about the equipments and research results directly on the website of PACPUS platform:
     7To carry out experiments with Intelligent Vehicles or robots, Heudiasyc has developed the PACPUS framework to solve the systems integration issues. The framework is designed around the [[ | KISS principle]] and use [[ | Component-based software engineering]]. Developments are done mainly in C++.
     9PACPUS framework is distributed under [ CECILL-C license] (equivalent to LGPL) so you can use it to build free and commercial software. You can find also some [[#FreeavailablePACPUSplugins|PACPUS plugins]] developed by the laboratory that you can use freely.
     11= PACPUS framework =
     13== Useful links ==
     14* [[Tutorials|Tutorials]]
     15* [[FAQ_compilation|FAQ -- common compilation errors]]
     16* [[FAQ_runtime|FAQ -- common run-time errors]]
     17* [[FAQ_general_tips|FAQ -- common tips]]
     18* [[UsefulTools|Useful tools]]
     20== Prerequisites ==
     22=== Tools ===
     23* Modern C++ compiler (gcc >= 4.5, clang >= 3.2, Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 or newer, etc.)
     24* [ CMake] 2.8.10 or newer
     25* [ Doxygen] (optionally)
     26* [ Subversion (SVN)] control version system
     28=== Libraries ===
     29* '''Boost 1.54 or newer''':
     30  * Go to this [ download link] and select the Boost version corresponding to your compiler
     31  * Or you can get directly the version that supports all Visual Studio versions: [ Boost-msvc-all])
     32* [ Qt] 4.8 or newer ([ download])
     34== Compilation and Installation ==
     36Follow these instructions to compile and install the pacpus framework :
     37- [[PacpusGettingStarted/WindowsCompilation|Windows]]
     38- [[PacpusGettingStarted/LinuxCompilation|Linux]]
     39- under MAC OSX: to come...
     43== Installation ==
     45The PACPUS framework is available on several OS: Linux, Windows and Mac OS X.
     47- Installation guide of PACPUS on Windows : TO COME
     48- Installation guide of PACPUS on Linux Ubuntu : TO COME
     49- Installation guide of PACPUS on Mac OS X : TO COME
     50- Installation guide of PACPUS on Linux embedded : TO COME
     52Once you have successfully compiled Pacpus Framework, you can install it using:
     54make install
     56or, if you use a GUI-based development environment, you have to build the `INSTALL` target/project.
     59== Getting started ==
     61The tutorials are under development, they will be published soon.
     66== Documentation ==
     71== Active tickets ==
     76= Free available PACPUS plugins =
     78Heudiasyc provides also some plugins that can help you to build your own application. For example, there are some interfaces to sensors used in the lab, or some tools as viewers, compute algorithms...
     80== PACPUS sensors ==
     82This is the list of sensors now supported:
     86=== Video ===
     87Provides camera support on Firewire (1394), USB?.
     89==== Requirements ====
     90* ''[Windows]'' 1394camera CMU library. For more info, see [ here].
     92== PACPUS viewers ==
     98NB: If you need more informations about the TRAC system used to manage this collaborative site, you can read this [TracDefaultWelcomePage page] or have a look at the official [ TRAC project]