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| 149 | <h3><a class="anchor" id="index_r"></a>- r -</h3><ul>
| 150 | <li>RadioReceiver()
| 151 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_radio_receiver.html#a433d4463e482b2864305df216ac242b6">flair::sensor::RadioReceiver</a>
| 152 | </li>
| 153 | <li>RangeFinderPlot()
| 154 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_range_finder_plot.html#ad9e74692b943e04998870a22b4931773">flair::gui::RangeFinderPlot</a>
| 155 | </li>
| 156 | <li>Read()
| 157 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_i2c_port.html#a1d817db571abf2eb5de697fc476ae143">flair::core::I2cPort</a>
| 158 | , <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_r_t_d_m___i2c_port.html#afec0673b369c8c1cec9acdc13ac4a26e">flair::core::RTDM_I2cPort</a>
| 159 | , <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_r_t_d_m___serial_port.html#abb4f3486983680b83430ed6af52e156b">flair::core::RTDM_SerialPort</a>
| 160 | , <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_serial_port.html#a5e9f8971fc5ea70a2d66a771c6e7d711">flair::core::SerialPort</a>
| 161 | , <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_shared_mem.html#a9b3efaf91b3a62a58d4466bcaa03b590">flair::core::SharedMem</a>
| 162 | , <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_unix___i2c_port.html#a68edd3f3770e836a29e4c4a126310e48">flair::core::Unix_I2cPort</a>
| 163 | , <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_unix___serial_port.html#a728b2c89f129e7fbf5ce365f58f777b3">flair::core::Unix_SerialPort</a>
| 164 | </li>
| 165 | <li>RecvMessage()
| 166 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_connected_socket.html#ade302ba4b2afddd6b421823a261f01c9">flair::core::ConnectedSocket</a>
| 167 | , <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_socket.html#a6b83e7fdf7a828a7a02ba2f867c4d973">flair::core::Socket</a>
| 168 | , <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_tcp_socket.html#ad7e7cf859d7cbe230a33f90c8c1bcfc2">flair::core::TcpSocket</a>
| 169 | , <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_udt_socket.html#a8f7970d0532c9b280b180a63a6c604bc">flair::core::UdtSocket</a>
| 170 | </li>
| 171 | <li>ReleaseMutex()
| 172 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_mutex.html#a1fd1e2cbcacd6a51e21da35cd26800f6">flair::core::Mutex</a>
| 173 | , <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_box.html#a3d1e4e81c7c59a051368a346a104c988">flair::gui::Box</a>
| 174 | </li>
| 175 | <li>Reset()
| 176 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_control_law.html#a0892ecd37930c5d92a41449ab6fa1f10">flair::filter::ControlLaw</a>
| 177 | , <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_pid.html#a41573a79913af95cbb94d30225e913b6">flair::filter::Pid</a>
| 178 | , <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_pid_thrust.html#a4987d6892e567cce5af9b22dcf065542">flair::filter::PidThrust</a>
| 179 | , <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_trajectory_generator1_d.html#aafcba1bfa8ff1efb1ac8b321799ba859">flair::filter::TrajectoryGenerator1D</a>
| 180 | </li>
| 181 | <li>ResetI()
| 182 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_pid_thrust.html#ad82440a1c4d9b0409c8549f900991223">flair::filter::PidThrust</a>
| 183 | </li>
| 184 | <li>ResetOffset()
| 185 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_pid_thrust.html#a3ec37a57185a1f3164e081e89b08e378">flair::filter::PidThrust</a>
| 186 | </li>
| 187 | <li>Resume()
| 188 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_thread.html#ae7c46910a801f1b16302570ad8ae9580">flair::core::Thread</a>
| 189 | </li>
| 190 | <li>RollPlot()
| 191 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_ahrs.html#a7d89b658d75c4fdd93d0d6fb4f3c1978">flair::filter::Ahrs</a>
| 192 | </li>
| 193 | <li>RollTrim()
| 194 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_joy_reference.html#a69099dbde49e1e891cd8359cff7da87a">flair::filter::JoyReference</a>
| 195 | </li>
| 196 | <li>RollTrimDown()
| 197 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_joy_reference.html#a7135749ee6e685177b7e4da5c81e312c">flair::filter::JoyReference</a>
| 198 | </li>
| 199 | <li>RollTrimUp()
| 200 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_joy_reference.html#af404e0a05fc83d693e8f03597d02af18">flair::filter::JoyReference</a>
| 201 | </li>
| 202 | <li>Rotate()
| 203 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_vector2_d.html#a246911712ac7ad79a533a5e226e8a6bd">flair::core::Vector2D</a>
| 204 | , <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_vector3_d.html#abf242a58a3126477a930e34a7a9d6097">flair::core::Vector3D</a>
| 205 | </li>
| 206 | <li>RotateDeg()
| 207 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_vector2_d.html#a80ed74448580adf222bbdcfa5d35d26d">flair::core::Vector2D</a>
| 208 | </li>
| 209 | <li>RotateX()
| 210 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_vector3_d.html#ac752f69f6eabcfdcc5a7a87938acca5b">flair::core::Vector3D</a>
| 211 | </li>
| 212 | <li>RotateXDeg()
| 213 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_vector3_d.html#a12718713487838295bbfa7d37a62fe4b">flair::core::Vector3D</a>
| 214 | </li>
| 215 | <li>RotateY()
| 216 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_vector3_d.html#a6f35427a9d3ceac38b7fd288bb9ddde8">flair::core::Vector3D</a>
| 217 | </li>
| 218 | <li>RotateYDeg()
| 219 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_vector3_d.html#ac0841a063753ae1b3ceb98fe7ae72e60">flair::core::Vector3D</a>
| 220 | </li>
| 221 | <li>RotateZ()
| 222 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_vector3_d.html#a2576c1e8cc0113884d30c6d6b158a0b1">flair::core::Vector3D</a>
| 223 | </li>
| 224 | <li>RotateZDeg()
| 225 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_vector3_d.html#abdfb5c26a13ca21ad5674ec5d1f83ec8">flair::core::Vector3D</a>
| 226 | </li>
| 227 | <li>RotationMatrix()
| 228 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_rotation_matrix.html#a1654c70915d03eea7c712a04296b9583">flair::core::RotationMatrix</a>
| 229 | </li>
| 230 | <li>Row()
| 231 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_layout_position.html#a1fca2149b3c709f3f2172e8fea66b02d">flair::gui::LayoutPosition</a>
| 232 | </li>
| 233 | <li>Rows()
| 234 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1cvmatrix.html#a4a1e997443651c5a6f24fad7ca322311">flair::core::cvmatrix</a>
| 235 | , <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1cvmatrix__descriptor.html#af29d7a83feaaa169ba44719165b3f85b">flair::core::cvmatrix_descriptor</a>
| 236 | </li>
| 237 | <li>RTDM_I2cPort()
| 238 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_r_t_d_m___i2c_port.html#ac2b7d633d0dd8f7c05734a3a07faeaab">flair::core::RTDM_I2cPort</a>
| 239 | </li>
| 240 | <li>RTDM_SerialPort()
| 241 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_r_t_d_m___serial_port.html#a93fe0bd5ea18afcc5d57b7be1f053bad">flair::core::RTDM_SerialPort</a>
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