
Fl-AIR - Framework libre AIR

NOTE: project has moved to

Fl-AIR is a framework written in C++ that aims at helping the development of applications for robots, and more specially for UAVs. It is licensed under Cecill-C license.

WARNING: version 0.3.1 has a bug with UdpSocket broadcast (not working!); upgrade to 0.3.2

WARNING: version 0.2.0 has a bug with vrpn delta time calculation. It will affect estimated velocities. Use a fixed time step for vrpn filters (ask to Guillaume) or use a newer version.

WARNING: version 0.1.2 has a bug with ardrone2 magnetometers. AHRS estimation is not good. Set km[i]=0 in imu tab of ground station to disable magnetometers. Ask to Guillaume if necessary.

WARNING: version 0.1.0 has a bug with VRPN rotation. Please use version 0.1.1 or latest.

WARNING: version 0.0.1 has a bug with HdsX8. Version 0.0.1 has also a problem with ubuntu 16.4 (cmake). Please use version 0.0.2 or latest.


  • 10 march 2022: version 0.4 is available, see updating repositories.
    NOTE : you will need to reinstall the toolchain for x86_64, see wiki.
    NOTE : launch scripts for demos and tools have changed. You need to remove the scripts manually (in the flair-install directory), or remove the whole flair-install directory (backup your xml files before doing it), before compiling flair.
  • 24 march 2021: version 0.3.3 is available, see updating repositories.
    NOTE : this version solves a bug with cameras on DM3730 (ardrone2) introduced a long time ago. You should use this version for ardrone2.
  • 21 december 2020: version 0.3.2 is available, see updating repositories.
    NOTE : if you where not in version 0.3.1, you will need to reinstall the toolchain for x86_64, see wiki
  • 17 december 2020: version 0.3.1 is available, see updating repositories.
    NOTE : you will need to reinstall the toolchain for x86_64, see wiki
  • 20 february 2020: version 0.3 is available, see updating repositories.
    NOTE : this version uses a new build scheme (out of source), see wiki


Last modified 12 months ago Last modified on Apr 11, 2024, 11:58:27 AM
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