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| 151 | <h3><a class="anchor" id="index_~"></a>- ~ -</h3><ul>
| 152 | <li>~AfroBldc()
| 153 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1actuator_1_1_afro_bldc.html#a9d1d961a3e47100dc9ded1fa0d5235d6">flair::actuator::AfroBldc</a>
| 154 | </li>
| 155 | <li>~Ahrs()
| 156 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_ahrs.html#a8c542b3b9ff973d36613d611b237b16f">flair::filter::Ahrs</a>
| 157 | </li>
[16] | 158 | <li>~AhrsComplementaryFilter()
| 159 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_ahrs_complementary_filter.html#a49fa4d09c766a3ef9aaeea5476b4f892">flair::filter::AhrsComplementaryFilter</a>
| 160 | </li>
[14] | 161 | <li>~AhrsData()
| 162 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_ahrs_data.html#a52a22cd3ac38c1f402c9276d2eaf0cfd">flair::core::AhrsData</a>
| 163 | </li>
| 164 | <li>~AhrsKalman()
| 165 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_ahrs_kalman.html#a26c2f27fd1846364d05eee4c2e39db87">flair::filter::AhrsKalman</a>
| 166 | </li>
| 167 | <li>~BatteryMonitor()
| 168 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_battery_monitor.html#aefc9c63227a5a0a852ddba24ee7cd4e1">flair::sensor::BatteryMonitor</a>
| 169 | </li>
| 170 | <li>~BlCtrlV2()
| 171 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1actuator_1_1_bl_ctrl_v2.html#a5e2d465e13714d5d5e1831306581bc41">flair::actuator::BlCtrlV2</a>
| 172 | </li>
| 173 | <li>~Bldc()
| 174 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1actuator_1_1_bldc.html#a1569d6c4eed96b9f53cae6cd027b7608">flair::actuator::Bldc</a>
| 175 | </li>
| 176 | <li>~Box()
| 177 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_box.html#adfd9a664f5096bbe85cdebf021f542ea">flair::gui::Box</a>
| 178 | </li>
| 179 | <li>~ButterworthLowPass()
| 180 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_butterworth_low_pass.html#a8d46936fb2781bc74297c1fee29f54b7">flair::filter::ButterworthLowPass</a>
| 181 | </li>
| 182 | <li>~Camera()
| 183 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_camera.html#ad64596dd00415cfcecfa3589ddfdeaac">flair::sensor::Camera</a>
| 184 | </li>
| 185 | <li>~CheckBox()
| 186 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_check_box.html#ad82b1af4d49c94b8dac83dd26b887e17">flair::gui::CheckBox</a>
| 187 | </li>
| 188 | <li>~ComboBox()
| 189 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_combo_box.html#a94dfafa39f93e5d57b68ab72305c38b4">flair::gui::ComboBox</a>
| 190 | </li>
| 191 | <li>~ConditionVariable()
| 192 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_condition_variable.html#aa2a9990054e13bf0a94dbb19931e8e8c">flair::core::ConditionVariable</a>
| 193 | </li>
| 194 | <li>~ConnectedSocket()
| 195 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_connected_socket.html#ad4e96a4fead5a5a1c038a31fa7dfd36b">flair::core::ConnectedSocket</a>
| 196 | </li>
| 197 | <li>~ControlLaw()
| 198 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_control_law.html#a62210ace4d3338cbc528ed712e72ac27">flair::filter::ControlLaw</a>
| 199 | </li>
| 200 | <li>~cvimage()
| 201 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1cvimage.html#a4088028fba3222934f09685340d062fa">flair::core::cvimage</a>
| 202 | </li>
| 203 | <li>~cvmatrix()
| 204 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1cvmatrix.html#adfd2ab692ce77583a1c6983aa50e6645">flair::core::cvmatrix</a>
| 205 | </li>
| 206 | <li>~cvmatrix_descriptor()
| 207 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1cvmatrix__descriptor.html#a1abe66646468d9bf743d21adc028eaf3">flair::core::cvmatrix_descriptor</a>
| 208 | </li>
| 209 | <li>~DataPlot()
| 210 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_data_plot.html#a3e11a8f6bda0e3ddbb2c0ebd8dc9ad04">flair::gui::DataPlot</a>
| 211 | </li>
| 212 | <li>~DataPlot1D()
| 213 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_data_plot1_d.html#a418a2533a0ebb0bdd09c3f6a731d121d">flair::gui::DataPlot1D</a>
| 214 | </li>
| 215 | <li>~DataPlot2D()
| 216 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_data_plot2_d.html#a1bae1723d99ae31d9c1936f782d9ee3e">flair::gui::DataPlot2D</a>
| 217 | </li>
| 218 | <li>~DoubleSpinBox()
| 219 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_double_spin_box.html#a7dc357538a741a006934a5ea45e368f5">flair::gui::DoubleSpinBox</a>
| 220 | </li>
| 221 | <li>~Euler()
| 222 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_euler.html#a3ccf90d1ddac3544d97ae79e86b9dc46">flair::core::Euler</a>
| 223 | </li>
| 224 | <li>~EulerDerivative()
| 225 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_euler_derivative.html#a95249a7a215db6ff641980fc7b86e5c3">flair::filter::EulerDerivative</a>
| 226 | </li>
| 227 | <li>~FrameworkManager()
| 228 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_framework_manager.html#aa97c7fbaba572aa856d23c416f3b74e4">flair::core::FrameworkManager</a>
| 229 | </li>
| 230 | <li>~GeoCoordinate()
| 231 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_geo_coordinate.html#a2bb9ea66ede832b59e484ed4d3810770">flair::core::GeoCoordinate</a>
| 232 | </li>
[27] | 233 | <li>~GpsData()
| 234 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_gps_data.html#a40703fd28dd1b6053df7292c222de5c8">flair::core::GpsData</a>
| 235 | </li>
[14] | 236 | <li>~GridLayout()
| 237 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_grid_layout.html#a688ff9f536c2c9e12f7ef845d176caa3">flair::gui::GridLayout</a>
| 238 | </li>
| 239 | <li>~GroupBox()
| 240 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_group_box.html#a271493c0c9db0cb9e8f542efd281be60">flair::gui::GroupBox</a>
| 241 | </li>
| 242 | <li>~Gx3_25_ahrs()
| 243 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_gx3__25__ahrs.html#a6cfc6f7dbcba21cbf7e737ba602b18a5">flair::filter::Gx3_25_ahrs</a>
| 244 | </li>
| 245 | <li>~Gx3_25_imu()
| 246 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_gx3__25__imu.html#a846b96f161fe99d588b2d3b4d7a98bee">flair::sensor::Gx3_25_imu</a>
| 247 | </li>
| 248 | <li>~HokuyoUTM30Lx()
| 249 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_hokuyo_u_t_m30_lx.html#a703cae77132737a94a915e63d55995b5">flair::sensor::HokuyoUTM30Lx</a>
| 250 | </li>
| 251 | <li>~I2cPort()
| 252 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_i2c_port.html#ad48445514c3b9e02a1eda6a6595ba686">flair::core::I2cPort</a>
| 253 | </li>
| 254 | <li>~Imu()
| 255 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_imu.html#ab01ce2e6b89698b001da63ae8df1722a">flair::sensor::Imu</a>
| 256 | </li>
| 257 | <li>~ImuData()
| 258 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_imu_data.html#a5ab5c48fd57817f52d479c0d43dfb3e9">flair::core::ImuData</a>
| 259 | </li>
| 260 | <li>~io_data()
| 261 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1io__data.html#a63b4bbba0120e45d69d616f7b7cb021a">flair::core::io_data</a>
| 262 | </li>
| 263 | <li>~IODevice()
| 264 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_i_o_device.html#a05246988b486def40926d8491e1bcc5f">flair::core::IODevice</a>
| 265 | </li>
| 266 | <li>~JoyReference()
| 267 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_joy_reference.html#a6ec8918b4bb75dbd712916990c49e898">flair::filter::JoyReference</a>
| 268 | </li>
| 269 | <li>~Label()
| 270 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_label.html#a3c6124811c5b57b71f83161f8d931abc">flair::gui::Label</a>
| 271 | </li>
| 272 | <li>~LaserRangeFinder()
| 273 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_laser_range_finder.html#ab05261c5a3b05e39ab7068df65acfeb8">flair::sensor::LaserRangeFinder</a>
| 274 | </li>
| 275 | <li>~Layout()
| 276 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_layout.html#aafea7ef30ae5a3f3d394559b0f3931b5">flair::gui::Layout</a>
| 277 | </li>
| 278 | <li>~LayoutPosition()
| 279 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_layout_position.html#abfff9b4fd6670430e8bd94440370ee49">flair::gui::LayoutPosition</a>
| 280 | </li>
[35] | 281 | <li>~ListWidget()
| 282 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_list_widget.html#a91ec3725c2fa7f5a395c17cb8ab4bd73">flair::gui::ListWidget</a>
| 283 | </li>
[14] | 284 | <li>~LowPassFilter()
| 285 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_low_pass_filter.html#a1689e35c04cb48c1e2086c1eb8d427d8">flair::filter::LowPassFilter</a>
| 286 | </li>
| 287 | <li>~Map()
| 288 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_map.html#aa21f6a304ba8a128ae30db59612c95c7">flair::gui::Map</a>
| 289 | </li>
| 290 | <li>~Mb800()
| 291 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_mb800.html#a1b1e81f2370892b3d75c431865d95a48">flair::sensor::Mb800</a>
| 292 | </li>
| 293 | <li>~Mutex()
| 294 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_mutex.html#ac8256454205d5146d1fe95b7538b25eb">flair::core::Mutex</a>
| 295 | </li>
| 296 | <li>~NestedSat()
| 297 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_nested_sat.html#a899e174f442b871ecf4000f720fb11e9">flair::filter::NestedSat</a>
| 298 | </li>
[32] | 299 | <li>~NmeaGps()
| 300 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_nmea_gps.html#a6102de13ed1ba414bf058235416580e9">flair::sensor::NmeaGps</a>
| 301 | </li>
[14] | 302 | <li>~Novatel()
| 303 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_novatel.html#a9d6046e078858c12e281cea2ad8a737a">flair::sensor::Novatel</a>
| 304 | </li>
| 305 | <li>~Object()
| 306 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_object.html#aa2bde0e6677bbef705c96c93cb06ad09">flair::core::Object</a>
| 307 | </li>
| 308 | <li>~OneAxisRotation()
| 309 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_one_axis_rotation.html#adb99d2f257c0600f9d56813d1b72fe6b">flair::core::OneAxisRotation</a>
| 310 | </li>
| 311 | <li>~Picture()
| 312 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_picture.html#a5ecfd08606abd0556c1b9d4063d98f02">flair::gui::Picture</a>
| 313 | </li>
| 314 | <li>~Pid()
| 315 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_pid.html#ab8e08d20453ac21096363f591ac365df">flair::filter::Pid</a>
| 316 | </li>
| 317 | <li>~PidThrust()
| 318 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_pid_thrust.html#a0332ced449a5257a484e484379921445">flair::filter::PidThrust</a>
| 319 | </li>
| 320 | <li>~Ps3Eye()
| 321 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_ps3_eye.html#ae4db08a4e67cf41d0db0c4a4e37360c2">flair::sensor::Ps3Eye</a>
| 322 | </li>
| 323 | <li>~PushButton()
| 324 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_push_button.html#a3b9f0d50b3e4872a950f0ec829a6a642">flair::gui::PushButton</a>
| 325 | </li>
| 326 | <li>~Quaternion()
| 327 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_quaternion.html#a7aa88aa352e17590e0f9b454357fdbfc">flair::core::Quaternion</a>
| 328 | </li>
| 329 | <li>~RadioReceiver()
| 330 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_radio_receiver.html#ab53962d75766082908a66876cd3e342f">flair::sensor::RadioReceiver</a>
| 331 | </li>
| 332 | <li>~RangeFinderPlot()
| 333 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_range_finder_plot.html#ab793e96b2da92a3ad8de4a970f0f9f9a">flair::gui::RangeFinderPlot</a>
| 334 | </li>
| 335 | <li>~RotationMatrix()
| 336 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_rotation_matrix.html#a4c46e6c1cdd66818eaa131822e5bcbb3">flair::core::RotationMatrix</a>
| 337 | </li>
| 338 | <li>~RTDM_I2cPort()
| 339 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_r_t_d_m___i2c_port.html#a717595187752b01a836571c9c4babf40">flair::core::RTDM_I2cPort</a>
| 340 | </li>
| 341 | <li>~RTDM_SerialPort()
| 342 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_r_t_d_m___serial_port.html#a5f2f993bc612dd68b5f19cd41a9135cc">flair::core::RTDM_SerialPort</a>
| 343 | </li>
[44] | 344 | <li>~Semaphore()
| 345 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_semaphore.html#ae1a3001af72b853a3de39bd11f564790">flair::core::Semaphore</a>
| 346 | </li>
[14] | 347 | <li>~SendData()
| 348 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_send_data.html#a586331adf0774b18830b4b5ca29fe55f">flair::gui::SendData</a>
| 349 | </li>
| 350 | <li>~SerialPort()
| 351 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_serial_port.html#aeb4eab5de344483667176a101607bb68">flair::core::SerialPort</a>
| 352 | </li>
| 353 | <li>~SharedMem()
| 354 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_shared_mem.html#af3f51c01e679a8dd1f6f7c64cee55ed7">flair::core::SharedMem</a>
| 355 | </li>
| 356 | <li>~SimuAhrs()
| 357 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_simu_ahrs.html#abc6e5fb30794862c01828b73166a405d">flair::filter::SimuAhrs</a>
| 358 | </li>
| 359 | <li>~SimuBldc()
| 360 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1actuator_1_1_simu_bldc.html#a10fd091319fd0532681078badeb2ecd8">flair::actuator::SimuBldc</a>
| 361 | </li>
| 362 | <li>~SimuCamera()
| 363 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_simu_camera.html#aa08b34cc19a3bc1b7f4eb6e0b344a5d0">flair::sensor::SimuCamera</a>
| 364 | </li>
| 365 | <li>~SimuGps()
| 366 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_simu_gps.html#a83232caaf25e2298e39b083e046846a3">flair::sensor::SimuGps</a>
| 367 | </li>
| 368 | <li>~SimuImu()
| 369 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_simu_imu.html#a993428f50639a60e8df139f3e23f92bf">flair::sensor::SimuImu</a>
| 370 | </li>
| 371 | <li>~SimuLaser()
| 372 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_simu_laser.html#a9c2ded82ab43b0b175e51cda0ed879d5">flair::sensor::SimuLaser</a>
| 373 | </li>
| 374 | <li>~SimuUs()
| 375 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_simu_us.html#a52c1587525fe53be58f7d1681d8f3de4">flair::sensor::SimuUs</a>
| 376 | </li>
| 377 | <li>~SpinBox()
| 378 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_spin_box.html#a64182fc99a1d96d8f86679a568c50f9b">flair::gui::SpinBox</a>
| 379 | </li>
| 380 | <li>~Srf08()
| 381 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_srf08.html#a98bf852157fdae881576d0b7f25da6b0">flair::sensor::Srf08</a>
| 382 | </li>
| 383 | <li>~Tab()
| 384 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_tab.html#ac763e0eaa0661123e98d3cbe897c08dc">flair::gui::Tab</a>
| 385 | </li>
| 386 | <li>~TabWidget()
| 387 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_tab_widget.html#a6d0fb8dbd74ecbc23eb727470824a993">flair::gui::TabWidget</a>
| 388 | </li>
| 389 | <li>~TextEdit()
| 390 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_text_edit.html#a0e4784ae0cfec8717ab9c9200c994539">flair::gui::TextEdit</a>
| 391 | </li>
| 392 | <li>~Thread()
| 393 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_thread.html#a39ede97ff3addeaf48ecec09c6625655">flair::core::Thread</a>
| 394 | </li>
| 395 | <li>~TrajectoryGenerator1D()
| 396 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_trajectory_generator1_d.html#a90da7cbae745b5a2a8e52641f4b1d481">flair::filter::TrajectoryGenerator1D</a>
| 397 | </li>
| 398 | <li>~TrajectoryGenerator2DCircle()
| 399 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_trajectory_generator2_d_circle.html#ae669ea580ced854d4156ad4ecb7107de">flair::filter::TrajectoryGenerator2DCircle</a>
| 400 | </li>
| 401 | <li>~UavMultiplex()
| 402 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_uav_multiplex.html#a6e164ab1ddc7017e86a890e2fe4755a0">flair::filter::UavMultiplex</a>
| 403 | </li>
[50] | 404 | <li>~UdpSocket()
| 405 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_udp_socket.html#adcd4015274c616fda2d6b4bc9e5b7354">flair::core::UdpSocket</a>
| 406 | </li>
[14] | 407 | <li>~Unix_I2cPort()
| 408 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_unix___i2c_port.html#adfddddb16245bbf4860495035bf8acac">flair::core::Unix_I2cPort</a>
| 409 | </li>
| 410 | <li>~Unix_SerialPort()
| 411 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_unix___serial_port.html#a4f875c351011610d7675f82200b93a3d">flair::core::Unix_SerialPort</a>
| 412 | </li>
| 413 | <li>~UsRangeFinder()
| 414 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_us_range_finder.html#a6a496106dacf11f69eeeaecb47920181">flair::sensor::UsRangeFinder</a>
| 415 | </li>
| 416 | <li>~V4LCamera()
| 417 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_v4_l_camera.html#a17dd62aecb525f68c0cfb4ae6e4d372a">flair::sensor::V4LCamera</a>
| 418 | </li>
| 419 | <li>~Vector2D()
[50] | 420 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_vector2_d.html#a7b26acd44a32983e8e901fa761c368df">flair::core::Vector2D< T ></a>
[14] | 421 | </li>
| 422 | <li>~Vector3D()
[50] | 423 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_vector3_d.html#ae09b7edbe9f6be35b9f171eefd401b99">flair::core::Vector3D< T ></a>
[14] | 424 | </li>
| 425 | <li>~Vector3Ddata()
| 426 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1core_1_1_vector3_ddata.html#af0aaa32502e8d4236de1574b7f542919">flair::core::Vector3Ddata</a>
| 427 | </li>
| 428 | <li>~Vector3DSpinBox()
| 429 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_vector3_d_spin_box.html#aa515751c54ff8fd98cca84f4c374929b">flair::gui::Vector3DSpinBox</a>
| 430 | </li>
| 431 | <li>~VrpnClient()
| 432 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_vrpn_client.html#adf2374e9d69ff17fc490ba06e6488a50">flair::sensor::VrpnClient</a>
| 433 | </li>
| 434 | <li>~VrpnObject()
| 435 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_vrpn_object.html#a3f763c10994c9105bc24b3ab61f90afa">flair::sensor::VrpnObject</a>
| 436 | </li>
| 437 | <li>~Widget()
| 438 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1gui_1_1_widget.html#a81110928e09e909dc1cc90971de4e8a9">flair::gui::Widget</a>
| 439 | </li>
| 440 | <li>~X4X8Multiplex()
| 441 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1filter_1_1_x4_x8_multiplex.html#aa3b731c11f87975b216e54f2b568c0e1">flair::filter::X4X8Multiplex</a>
| 442 | </li>
| 443 | <li>~XBldc()
| 444 | : <a class="el" href="classflair_1_1actuator_1_1_x_bldc.html#a3a81400136d30196cde590067a189315">flair::actuator::XBldc</a>
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