1 | var NAVTREE =
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3 | [ "Flair", "index.html", [
4 | [ "Namespaces", null, [
5 | [ "Namespace List", "namespaces.html", "namespaces" ],
6 | [ "Namespace Members", "namespacemembers.html", [
7 | [ "All", "namespacemembers.html", null ],
8 | [ "Functions", "namespacemembers_func.html", null ],
9 | [ "Typedefs", "namespacemembers_type.html", null ]
10 | ] ]
11 | ] ],
12 | [ "Classes", null, [
13 | [ "Class List", "annotated.html", "annotated" ],
14 | [ "Class Index", "classes.html", null ],
15 | [ "Class Hierarchy", "hierarchy.html", "hierarchy" ],
16 | [ "Class Members", "functions.html", [
17 | [ "All", "functions.html", "functions_dup" ],
18 | [ "Functions", "functions_func.html", "functions_func" ],
19 | [ "Variables", "functions_vars.html", null ],
20 | [ "Enumerations", "functions_enum.html", null ],
21 | [ "Enumerator", "functions_eval.html", null ]
22 | ] ]
23 | ] ],
24 | [ "Files", null, [
25 | [ "File List", "files.html", "files" ]
26 | ] ]
27 | ] ]
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29 |
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32 | "_afro_bldc_8h.html",
33 | "_vrpn_client_8h_source.html",
34 | "classflair_1_1core_1_1_message.html#a1bd8cab75ae376ed12f83a291f767d8f",
35 | "classflair_1_1core_1_1cvmatrix.html#aa08e4d9c913df9c4be093b8b83705e2a",
36 | "classflair_1_1gui_1_1_label.html#a9224ba06982b5441153cf2225013c95a",
37 | "classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_emulated_controller.html#af77e801a251ecc3f5e4a46fb55eaf051a46c48bec0d282018b9d167eef7711b2c",
38 | "classflair_1_1sensor_1_1_v4_l_camera.html#a29862113a1cf3095a15e8f86e28c4a9e"
39 | ];
40 |
41 | var SYNCONMSG = 'click to disable panel synchronisation';
42 | var SYNCOFFMSG = 'click to enable panel synchronisation'; |