1 | #!/bin/bash
2 | ARCH_DIR=build_$(uname -m)
3 | NB_THREADS=$(nproc)
4 | from_scratch=no
5 | IDE_SCRIPT=cmake_codelite.sh
7 |
8 | function green_echo () {
9 | echo -e "\033[32m$1\033[0m"
10 | }
11 |
12 | function red_echo () {
13 | echo -e "\033[31m$1\033[0m"
14 | }
15 |
16 | function check_error () {
17 | if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then
18 | red_echo "Error, exiting"
19 | exit 1
20 | fi
21 | }
22 |
23 | function sanity_check () {
24 | if [ -z $FLAIR_ROOT ]; then
25 | red_echo "You must set the FLAIR_ROOT environement variable"
26 | exit 1
27 | fi
28 | }
29 |
30 | function configure () {
31 | if [ "$from_scratch" = "yes" ]; then
32 | green_echo "Configuring $1/$2"
33 | cd $1/$2
34 |
35 | $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-dev/scripts/$IDE_SCRIPT > /dev/null
36 |
37 | check_error
38 | else
39 | green_echo "Not configuring $1/$2"
40 | fi
41 | }
42 |
43 | function compile () {
44 | #iterate over available toolchains
45 | for arch in ${toolchains[@]}; do
46 | green_echo "Compiling and installing $2 for $arch"
47 | cd $1/$2/build_$arch
48 | if [ "$from_scratch" = "yes" ]; then make clean > /dev/null; fi
49 | make -j$NB_THREADS > /dev/null
50 | check_error
51 | make install
52 | done
53 | }
54 |
55 | function compile_libs() {
56 | for projects in FlairCore FlairSensorActuator FlairFilter FlairVisionFilter FlairMeta FlairSimulator ; do
57 | configure $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-src/lib $projects
58 | compile $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-src/lib $projects
59 | done
60 |
61 | if [ -d $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-hds ]; then
62 | for projects in FlairBebop FlairArdrone2 FlairMinidrones FlairMamboEdu VisionFilter; do
63 | configure $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-hds/src/lib $projects
64 | compile $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-hds/src/lib $projects
65 | done
66 | fi
67 | }
68 |
69 | function compile_tools() {
70 | for projects in FlairGCS Controller/DualShock3 Controller/Mavlink Dbt2csv VrpnBridge; do
71 | configure $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-src/tools $projects
72 | compile $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-src/tools $projects
73 | done
74 | }
75 |
76 | function compile_uav_and_simulator_demo() {
77 | for projects in simulator uav; do
78 | configure $1/$2 $projects
79 | compile $1/$2 $projects
80 | done
81 | }
82 |
83 | function compile_demos() {
84 | for projects in Sinus; do
85 | configure $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-src/demos $projects
86 | compile $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-src/demos $projects
87 | done
88 |
89 | for projects in OpticalFlow CircleFollower SimpleFleet Gps; do
90 | compile_uav_and_simulator_demo $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-src/demos $projects
91 | done
92 |
93 | for projects in CustomReferenceAngles CustomTorques; do
94 | configure $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-src/demos/Skeletons $projects
95 | compile $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-src/demos/Skeletons $projects
96 | done
97 |
98 | if [ -d $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-hds ]; then
99 | for projects in ApriltagFollower LineFollower; do
100 | compile_uav_and_simulator_demo $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-hds/src/demos $projects
101 | done
102 | fi
103 |
104 | }
105 |
106 | sanity_check
107 |
108 | if [ -d $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-hds ]; then
109 | printf "Found flair-hds repository\n"
110 | fi
111 |
112 | printf "Compile all from scratch [Y/n]?"
113 | read answer
114 |
115 | if [ "$answer" = "" ] || [ "$answer" = "y" ] || [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then
116 | from_scratch=yes
117 | fi
118 |
119 | printf "Compile Flair libs [Y/n]?"
120 | read answer
121 |
122 | if [ "$answer" = "" ] || [ "$answer" = "y" ] || [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then
123 | compile_libs
124 | fi
125 |
126 | printf "Compile Flair libs documentation [Y/n]?"
127 | read answer
128 |
129 | if [ "$answer" = "" ] || [ "$answer" = "y" ] || [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then
130 | $OECORE_HOST_NATIVE_SYSROOT/usr/bin/doxygen $FLAIR_ROOT/flair-src/lib/Doxyfile.in
131 | fi
132 |
133 | printf "Compile Flair tools [Y/n]?"
134 | read answer
135 |
136 | if [ "$answer" = "" ] || [ "$answer" = "y" ] || [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then
137 | compile_tools
138 | fi
139 |
140 | printf "Compile demos [Y/n]?"
141 | read answer
142 |
143 | if [ "$answer" = "" ] || [ "$answer" = "y" ] || [ "$answer" = "Y" ]; then
144 | compile_demos
145 | fi
146 |
147 | exit 0
148 |
149 |
150 |
151 | exit 0