1 | // created: 2011/05/01
2 | // filename: CircleFollower.cpp
3 | //
4 | // author: Guillaume Sanahuja
5 | // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253
6 | //
7 | // version: $Id: $
8 | //
9 | // purpose: demo cercle avec optitrack
10 | //
11 | //
12 | /*********************************************************************/
13 |
14 | #include "CircleFollower.h"
15 | #include <TargetController.h>
16 | #include <Uav.h>
17 | #include <GridLayout.h>
18 | #include <PushButton.h>
19 | #include <DataPlot1D.h>
20 | #include <DataPlot2D.h>
21 | #include <MetaDualShock3.h>
22 | #include <FrameworkManager.h>
23 | #include <VrpnClient.h>
24 | #include <MetaVrpnObject.h>
25 | #include <TrajectoryGenerator2DCircle.h>
26 | #include <cvmatrix.h>
27 | #include <cmath>
28 | #include <Tab.h>
29 | #include <Pid.h>
30 | #include <Ahrs.h>
31 | #include <AhrsData.h>
32 | #include <Camera.h>
33 |
34 | using namespace std;
35 | using namespace flair::core;
36 | using namespace flair::gui;
37 | using namespace flair::sensor;
38 | using namespace flair::filter;
39 | using namespace flair::meta;
40 |
41 | CircleFollower::CircleFollower(Uav* uav,TargetController *controller): UavStateMachine(uav,controller), behaviourMode(BehaviourMode_t::Default), vrpnLost(false) {
42 | uav->SetupVRPNAutoIP(uav->ObjectName());
43 |
44 | startCircle=new PushButton(GetButtonsLayout()->NewRow(),"start_circle");
45 | stopCircle=new PushButton(GetButtonsLayout()->LastRowLastCol(),"stop_circle");
46 |
47 | if(uav->GetVrpnClient()->UseXbee()==true) {
48 | targetVrpn=new MetaVrpnObject(uav->GetVrpnClient(),"target",1);
49 | } else {
50 | targetVrpn=new MetaVrpnObject(uav->GetVrpnClient(),"target");
51 | }
52 |
53 | getFrameworkManager()->AddDeviceToLog(targetVrpn);
54 |
55 | circle=new TrajectoryGenerator2DCircle(uav->GetVrpnClient()->GetLayout()->NewRow(),"circle");
56 | uav->GetVrpnObject()->xPlot()->AddCurve(circle->Matrix()->Element(0,0),DataPlot::Blue);
57 | uav->GetVrpnObject()->yPlot()->AddCurve(circle->Matrix()->Element(0,1),DataPlot::Blue);
58 | uav->GetVrpnObject()->VxPlot()->AddCurve(circle->Matrix()->Element(1,0),DataPlot::Blue);
59 | uav->GetVrpnObject()->VyPlot()->AddCurve(circle->Matrix()->Element(1,1),DataPlot::Blue);
60 | uav->GetVrpnObject()->XyPlot()->AddCurve(circle->Matrix()->Element(0,1),circle->Matrix()->Element(0,0),DataPlot::Blue,"circle");
61 |
62 | uX=new Pid(setupLawTab->At(1,0),"u_x");
63 | uX->UseDefaultPlot(graphLawTab->NewRow());
64 | uY=new Pid(setupLawTab->At(1,1),"u_y");
65 | uY->UseDefaultPlot(graphLawTab->LastRowLastCol());
66 |
67 | customReferenceOrientation= new AhrsData(this,"reference");
68 | uav->GetAhrs()->AddPlot(customReferenceOrientation,DataPlot::Yellow);
69 | AddDataToControlLawLog(customReferenceOrientation);
70 |
71 | customOrientation=new AhrsData(this,"orientation");
72 | getFrameworkManager()->AddDeviceToLog(uav->GetVerticalCamera());
73 | }
74 |
75 | CircleFollower::~CircleFollower() {
76 | }
77 |
78 | const AhrsData *CircleFollower::GetOrientation(void) const {
79 | //get yaw from vrpn
80 | Euler vrpnEuler;
81 | GetUav()->GetVrpnObject()->GetEuler(vrpnEuler);
82 |
83 | //get roll, pitch and w from imu
84 | Quaternion ahrsQuaternion;
85 | Vector3D ahrsAngularSpeed;
86 | GetDefaultOrientation()->GetQuaternionAndAngularRates(ahrsQuaternion, ahrsAngularSpeed);
87 |
88 | Euler ahrsEuler=ahrsQuaternion.ToEuler();
89 | ahrsEuler.yaw=vrpnEuler.yaw;
90 | Quaternion mixQuaternion=ahrsEuler.ToQuaternion();
91 |
92 | customOrientation->SetQuaternionAndAngularRates(mixQuaternion,ahrsAngularSpeed);
93 |
94 | return customOrientation;
95 | }
96 |
97 | void CircleFollower::AltitudeValues(float &z,float &dz) {
98 | Vector3D uav_pos,uav_vel;
99 |
100 | GetUav()->GetVrpnObject()->GetPosition(uav_pos);
101 | GetUav()->GetVrpnObject()->GetSpeed(uav_vel);
102 | //z and dz must be in uav's frame
103 | z=-uav_pos.z;
104 | dz=-uav_vel.z;
105 | }
106 |
107 | AhrsData *CircleFollower::GetReferenceOrientation(void) {
108 | Vector2D pos_err, vel_err; // in Uav coordinate system
109 | float yaw_ref;
110 | Euler refAngles;
111 |
112 | PositionValues(pos_err, vel_err, yaw_ref);
113 |
114 | refAngles.yaw=yaw_ref;
115 |
116 | uX->SetValues(pos_err.x, vel_err.x);
117 | uX->Update(GetTime());
118 | refAngles.pitch=uX->Output();
119 |
120 | uY->SetValues(pos_err.y, vel_err.y);
121 | uY->Update(GetTime());
122 | refAngles.roll=-uY->Output();
123 |
124 | customReferenceOrientation->SetQuaternionAndAngularRates(refAngles.ToQuaternion(),Vector3D(0,0,0));
125 |
126 | return customReferenceOrientation;
127 | }
128 |
129 | void CircleFollower::PositionValues(Vector2D &pos_error,Vector2D &vel_error,float &yaw_ref) {
130 | Vector3D uav_pos,uav_vel; // in VRPN coordinate system
131 | Vector2D uav_2Dpos,uav_2Dvel; // in VRPN coordinate system
132 |
133 | GetUav()->GetVrpnObject()->GetPosition(uav_pos);
134 | GetUav()->GetVrpnObject()->GetSpeed(uav_vel);
135 |
136 | uav_pos.To2Dxy(uav_2Dpos);
137 | uav_vel.To2Dxy(uav_2Dvel);
138 |
139 | if (behaviourMode==BehaviourMode_t::PositionHold) {
140 | pos_error=uav_2Dpos-posHold;
141 | vel_error=uav_2Dvel;
142 | yaw_ref=yawHold;
143 | } else { //Circle
144 | Vector3D target_pos;
145 | Vector2D circle_pos,circle_vel;
146 | Vector2D target_2Dpos;
147 |
148 | targetVrpn->GetPosition(target_pos);
149 | target_pos.To2Dxy(target_2Dpos);
150 | circle->SetCenter(target_2Dpos);
151 |
152 | //circle reference
153 | circle->Update(GetTime());
154 | circle->GetPosition(circle_pos);
155 | circle->GetSpeed(circle_vel);
156 |
157 | //error in optitrack frame
158 | pos_error=uav_2Dpos-circle_pos;
159 | vel_error=uav_2Dvel-circle_vel;
160 | yaw_ref=atan2(target_pos.y-uav_pos.y,target_pos.x-uav_pos.x);
161 | }
162 |
163 | //error in uav frame
164 | Quaternion currentQuaternion=GetCurrentQuaternion();
165 | Euler currentAngles;//in vrpn frame
166 | currentQuaternion.ToEuler(currentAngles);
167 | pos_error.Rotate(-currentAngles.yaw);
168 | vel_error.Rotate(-currentAngles.yaw);
169 | }
170 |
171 | void CircleFollower::SignalEvent(Event_t event) {
172 | UavStateMachine::SignalEvent(event);
173 | switch(event) {
174 | case Event_t::TakingOff:
175 | behaviourMode=BehaviourMode_t::Default;
176 | vrpnLost=false;
177 | break;
178 | case Event_t::EnteringControlLoop:
179 | if ((behaviourMode==BehaviourMode_t::Circle) && (!circle->IsRunning())) {
180 | VrpnPositionHold();
181 | }
182 | break;
183 | case Event_t::EnteringFailSafeMode:
184 | behaviourMode=BehaviourMode_t::Default;
185 | break;
186 | }
187 | }
188 |
189 | void CircleFollower::ExtraSecurityCheck(void) {
190 | if ((!vrpnLost) && ((behaviourMode==BehaviourMode_t::Circle) || (behaviourMode==BehaviourMode_t::PositionHold))) {
191 | if (!targetVrpn->IsTracked(500)) {
192 | Thread::Err("VRPN, target lost\n");
193 | vrpnLost=true;
194 | EnterFailSafeMode();
195 | Land();
196 | }
197 | if (!GetUav()->GetVrpnObject()->IsTracked(500)) {
198 | Thread::Err("VRPN, uav lost\n");
199 | vrpnLost=true;
200 | EnterFailSafeMode();
201 | Land();
202 | }
203 | }
204 | }
205 |
206 | void CircleFollower::ExtraCheckPushButton(void) {
207 | if(startCircle->Clicked() && (behaviourMode!=BehaviourMode_t::Circle)) {
208 | StartCircle();
209 | }
210 | if(stopCircle->Clicked() && (behaviourMode==BehaviourMode_t::Circle)) {
211 | StopCircle();
212 | }
213 | }
214 |
215 | void CircleFollower::ExtraCheckJoystick(void) {
216 | //R1 and Circle
217 | if(GetJoystick()->IsButtonPressed(9) && GetJoystick()->IsButtonPressed(4) && (behaviourMode!=BehaviourMode_t::Circle)) {
218 | StartCircle();
219 | }
220 |
221 | //R1 and Cross
222 | if(GetJoystick()->IsButtonPressed(9) && GetJoystick()->IsButtonPressed(5) && (behaviourMode==BehaviourMode_t::Circle)) {
223 | StopCircle();
224 | }
225 | }
226 |
227 | void CircleFollower::StartCircle(void) {
228 | if (SetOrientationMode(OrientationMode_t::Custom)) {
229 | Thread::Info("CircleFollower: start circle\n");
230 | } else {
231 | Thread::Warn("CircleFollower: could not start circle\n");
232 | return;
233 | }
234 | Vector3D uav_pos,target_pos;
235 | Vector2D uav_2Dpos,target_2Dpos;
236 |
237 | targetVrpn->GetPosition(target_pos);
238 | target_pos.To2Dxy(target_2Dpos);
239 | circle->SetCenter(target_2Dpos);
240 |
241 | GetUav()->GetVrpnObject()->GetPosition(uav_pos);
242 | uav_pos.To2Dxy(uav_2Dpos);
243 | circle->StartTraj(uav_2Dpos);
244 |
245 | uX->Reset();
246 | uY->Reset();
247 | behaviourMode=BehaviourMode_t::Circle;
248 | }
249 |
250 | void CircleFollower::StopCircle(void) {
251 | circle->FinishTraj();
252 | //GetJoystick()->Rumble(0x70);
253 | Thread::Info("CircleFollower: finishing circle\n");
254 | }
255 |
256 | void CircleFollower::VrpnPositionHold(void) {
257 | Euler vrpn_euler;
258 | Vector3D vrpn_pos;
259 |
260 | GetUav()->GetVrpnObject()->GetEuler(vrpn_euler);
261 | yawHold=vrpn_euler.yaw;
262 |
263 | GetUav()->GetVrpnObject()->GetPosition(vrpn_pos);
264 | vrpn_pos.To2Dxy(posHold);
265 |
266 | uX->Reset();
267 | uY->Reset();
268 | behaviourMode=BehaviourMode_t::PositionHold;
269 | SetOrientationMode(OrientationMode_t::Custom);
270 | Thread::Info("CircleFollower: holding position\n");
271 | }