1 | // %flair:license{
2 | // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the
3 | // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
4 | // %flair:license}
5 | // created: 2012/10/04
6 | // filename: Thread_impl.cpp
7 | //
8 | // author: Guillaume Sanahuja
9 | // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253
10 | //
11 | // version: $Id: $
12 | //
13 | // purpose: classe implementant un thread rt ou non
14 | //
15 | //
16 | /*********************************************************************/
17 |
18 | #include "Thread_impl.h"
19 | #include "Thread.h"
20 | #include "IODevice.h"
21 | #include "IODevice_impl.h"
22 | #include "ConditionVariable.h"
23 | #include "config.h"
24 | #include "FrameworkManager.h"
25 | #include <string.h>
26 | #ifdef __XENO__
27 | #include <rtdk.h>
28 | #else
29 | #include <sys/resource.h>
30 | #endif
31 |
32 | using std::string;
33 | using namespace flair::core;
34 |
35 | Thread_impl::Thread_impl(Thread *self, uint8_t priority) {
36 | isRunning = false;
37 | tobestopped = false;
38 | is_suspended = false;
39 | period_set = false;
40 |
41 | this->self = self;
42 | cond = new ConditionVariable(self, self->ObjectName());
43 |
44 | if (priority < MIN_THREAD_PRIORITY) {
45 | priority = MIN_THREAD_PRIORITY;
46 | // printf("Thread::Thread, %s: priority set to
47 | // %i\n",self->ObjectName().c_str(), priority);
48 | }
49 | if (priority > MAX_THREAD_PRIORITY) {
50 | priority = MAX_THREAD_PRIORITY;
51 | self->Warn("priority set to %i\n", MAX_THREAD_PRIORITY);
52 | }
53 |
54 | this->priority = priority;
55 | period = 100 * 1000 * 1000; // 100ms par defaut
56 | min_jitter = 1000 * 1000 * 1000;
57 | max_jitter = 0;
58 | mean_jitter = 0;
59 | last = 0;
60 | cpt = 0;
61 | }
62 |
63 | Thread_impl::~Thread_impl() {
64 | SafeStop();
65 | Join();
66 | }
67 |
68 | void Thread_impl::Start(void) {
69 | int status;
70 |
71 | isRunning = true;
72 |
73 | #ifdef __XENO__
74 | string th_name =
75 | getFrameworkManager()->ObjectName() + "-" + self->ObjectName();
76 |
77 | #ifdef RT_STACK_SIZE
78 | status = rt_task_create(&task_rt, th_name.c_str(), RT_STACK_SIZE,
79 | (int)priority, T_JOINABLE);
80 | #else
81 | status =
82 | rt_task_create(&task_rt, th_name.c_str(), 0, (int)priority, T_JOINABLE);
83 | #endif // RT_STACK_SIZE
84 | if (status != 0) {
85 | self->Err("rt_task_create error (%s)\n", strerror(-status));
86 | } else {
87 | //_printf("rt_task_create ok %s\n",th_name);
88 | }
89 |
90 | status = rt_task_start(&task_rt, &main_rt, (void *)this);
91 | if (status != 0) {
92 | self->Err("rt_task_start error (%s)\n", strerror(-status));
93 | } else {
94 | //_printf("rt_task_start ok %s\n",th_name);
95 | }
96 |
97 | // Initialise the rt_print buffer for this task explicitly
98 | rt_print_init(512, th_name.c_str());
99 |
100 | #else //__XENO__
101 |
102 | // Initialize thread creation attributes
103 | pthread_attr_t attr;
104 | if (pthread_attr_init(&attr) != 0) {
105 | self->Err("Error pthread_attr_init\n");
106 | }
107 |
108 | #ifdef NRT_STACK_SIZE
109 | if (pthread_attr_setstacksize(&attr, NRT_STACK_SIZE) != 0) {
110 | self->Err("Error pthread_attr_setstacksize\n");
111 | }
112 | #endif // NRT_STACK_SIZE
113 |
114 | if (pthread_attr_setinheritsched(&attr, PTHREAD_EXPLICIT_SCHED) != 0) {
115 | self->Err("Error pthread_attr_setinheritsched\n");
116 | }
117 |
118 | if (pthread_attr_setschedpolicy(&attr, SCHED_FIFO) != 0) {
119 | self->Err("Error pthread_attr_setschedpolicy\n");
120 | }
121 |
122 | struct sched_param parm;
123 | parm.sched_priority = priority;
124 | if (pthread_attr_setschedparam(&attr, &parm) != 0) {
125 | self->Err("Error pthread_attr_setschedparam\n");
126 | }
127 |
128 | next_time = GetTime() + period;
129 |
130 | if (pthread_create(&task_nrt, &attr, main_nrt, (void *)this) != 0) {
131 | self->Err("pthread_create error\n");
132 | }
133 |
134 | if (pthread_attr_destroy(&attr) != 0) {
135 | self->Err("Error pthread_attr_destroy\n");
136 | }
137 |
138 | #endif //__XENO__
139 | }
140 |
141 | #ifdef __XENO__
142 | void Thread_impl::main_rt(void *arg) {
143 | Thread_impl *caller = (Thread_impl *)arg;
144 |
145 | // Perform auto-init of rt_print buffers if the task doesn't do so
146 | rt_print_auto_init(1);
147 |
148 | caller->self->Run();
149 |
150 | caller->PrintStats();
151 | }
152 | #else
153 | void *Thread_impl::main_nrt(void *arg) {
154 | Thread_impl *caller = (Thread_impl *)arg;
155 |
156 | caller->self->Run();
157 |
158 | caller->PrintStats();
159 |
160 | pthread_exit(0);
161 | }
162 | #endif //__XENO__
163 |
164 | void Thread_impl::SetPeriodUS(uint32_t period) {
165 | if (period == 0) {
166 | self->Err("Period must be>0\n");
167 | return;
168 | }
169 |
170 | #ifdef __XENO__
171 | int status = rt_task_set_periodic(&task_rt, TM_NOW, period * 1000);
172 | if (status != 0)
173 | self->Err("Error rt_task_set_periodic %s\n", strerror(-status));
174 | #else
175 | next_time -= period;
176 | next_time += period * 1000;
177 | #endif
178 | this->period = period * 1000;
179 | period_set = true;
180 | }
181 |
182 | uint32_t Thread_impl::GetPeriodUS() const { return this->period / 1000; }
183 |
184 | void Thread_impl::SetPeriodMS(uint32_t period) {
185 | if (period == 0) {
186 | self->Err("Period must be>0\n");
187 | return;
188 | }
189 |
190 | #ifdef __XENO__
191 | int status = rt_task_set_periodic(&task_rt, TM_NOW, period * 1000 * 1000);
192 | if (status != 0)
193 | self->Err("Error rt_task_set_periodic %s\n", strerror(-status));
194 | #else
195 | next_time -= period;
196 | next_time += period * 1000 * 1000;
197 | #endif
198 | this->period = period * 1000 * 1000;
199 | period_set = true;
200 | }
201 |
202 | uint32_t Thread_impl::GetPeriodMS() const { return this->period / 1000 / 1000; }
203 |
204 | void Thread_impl::WaitPeriod(void) {
205 | if (period_set == false) {
206 | self->Err("Period must be set befaore calling this method\n");
207 | return;
208 | }
209 | #ifdef __XENO__
210 | unsigned long overruns_r;
211 | int status = rt_task_wait_period(&overruns_r);
212 | if (status != 0)
213 | self->Err("Error rt_task_wait_period %s\n", strerror(-status));
214 | if (status == -ETIMEDOUT)
215 | self->Err("overrun: %lld\n", overruns_r);
216 | #else
217 | self->SleepUntil(next_time);
218 | next_time += period;
219 | #endif
220 | ComputeJitter(GetTime());
221 | }
222 |
223 | void Thread_impl::Suspend(void) {
224 | if (isRunning == false) {
225 | self->Err("thread is not started\n");
226 | return;
227 | }
228 |
229 | cond->GetMutex(), is_suspended = true;
230 | cond->CondWait();
231 | is_suspended = false;
232 | cond->ReleaseMutex();
233 | }
234 |
235 | bool Thread_impl::SuspendUntil(Time date) {
236 | if (isRunning == false) {
237 | self->Err("thread is not started\n");
238 | return false;
239 | }
240 |
241 | cond->GetMutex(), is_suspended = true;
242 | bool success = cond->CondWaitUntil(date);
243 | is_suspended = false;
244 | cond->ReleaseMutex();
245 | return success;
246 | }
247 |
248 | bool Thread_impl::IsSuspended(void) {
249 | bool result;
250 |
251 | cond->GetMutex();
252 | result = is_suspended;
253 | cond->ReleaseMutex();
254 |
255 | return result;
256 | }
257 |
258 | void Thread_impl::Resume(void) {
259 | if (isRunning == false) {
260 | self->Err("thread is not started\n");
261 | return;
262 | }
263 |
264 | cond->GetMutex();
265 | if (is_suspended == true) {
266 | cond->CondSignal();
267 | } else {
268 | self->Err("thread is not suspended\n");
269 | }
270 | cond->ReleaseMutex();
271 | }
272 |
273 | int Thread_impl::WaitUpdate(const IODevice *device) {
274 | int status = 0;
275 |
276 | if (IsSuspended() == true) {
277 | self->Err("thread is already supended\n");
278 | status = -1;
279 | } else {
280 | cond->GetMutex();
281 |
282 | if (device->pimpl_->SetToWake(self) == 0) {
283 | is_suspended = true;
284 | cond->CondWait();
285 | is_suspended = false;
286 | } else {
287 | self->Err("%s is already waiting an update\n",
288 | device->ObjectName().c_str());
289 | status = -1;
290 | }
291 |
292 | cond->ReleaseMutex();
293 | }
294 |
295 | return status;
296 | }
297 |
298 | void Thread_impl::PrintStats(void) {
299 | #ifdef __XENO__
300 | RT_TASK_INFO info;
301 |
302 | int status = rt_task_inquire(NULL, &info);
303 | if (status != 0) {
304 | self->Err("Error rt_task_inquire %s\n", strerror(-status));
305 | } else
306 | #endif
307 | {
308 | #ifndef __XENO__
309 | // if(last!=0)
310 | #endif
311 | { Printf("Thread::%s :\n", self->ObjectName().c_str()); }
312 | #ifdef __XENO__
313 | Printf(" number of context switches: %i\n", info.ctxswitches);
314 | Printf(" number of primary->secondary mode switch: %i\n",
315 | info.modeswitches);
316 | // printf("number of page faults: %i\n",info.pagefaults);
317 | Printf(" execution time (ms) in primary mode: %lld\n",
318 | info.exectime / 1000000);
319 | #else
320 | /*
321 | struct rusage r_usage;
322 | getrusage(RUSAGE_THREAD,&r_usage);
323 | printf(" memory usage = %ld\n",r_usage.ru_maxrss);
324 | printf("RUSAGE :ru_utime => %lld [sec] : %lld [usec], :ru_stime => %lld
325 | [sec] : %lld [usec] \n",
326 | (int64_t)r_usage.ru_utime.tv_sec, (int64_t)r_usage.ru_utime.tv_usec,
327 | (int64_t)r_usage.ru_stime.tv_sec,
328 | (int64_t)r_usage.ru_stime.tv_usec);*/
329 | #endif
330 | if (last != 0) {
331 | Printf(" min jitter (ns): %lld\n", min_jitter);
332 | Printf(" max jitter (ns): %lld\n", max_jitter);
333 | Printf(" jitter moy (ns): %lld\n", mean_jitter / cpt);
334 | Printf(" itertions: %lld\n", cpt);
335 | }
336 | }
337 | }
338 |
339 | void Thread_impl::Join(void) {
340 | if (isRunning == true) {
341 | int status;
342 |
343 | #ifdef __XENO__
344 | status = rt_task_join(&task_rt);
345 | #else
346 | status = pthread_join(task_nrt, NULL);
347 | #endif
348 | if (status != 0)
349 | self->Err("error %s\n", strerror(-status));
350 | isRunning = false;
351 | }
352 | }
353 |
354 | void Thread_impl::ComputeJitter(Time time) {
355 | Time diff, delta;
356 | diff = time - last;
357 |
358 | if (diff >= period) {
359 | delta = diff - period;
360 | } else {
361 | delta = period - diff;
362 | }
363 | // if(delta==0) rt_printf("%lld %lld\n",time,last);
364 | last = time;
365 | if (diff == time)
366 | return;
367 |
368 | if (delta > max_jitter)
369 | max_jitter = delta;
370 | if (delta < min_jitter)
371 | min_jitter = delta;
372 | mean_jitter += delta;
373 | cpt++;
374 |
375 | // Printf("Thread::%s jitter moy (ns):
376 | // %lld\n",self->ObjectName().c_str(),mean_jitter/cpt);
377 | }
378 |
379 | void Thread_impl::SafeStop(void) {
380 | tobestopped = true;
381 | if (IsSuspended())
382 | Resume();
383 | }
384 |
385 | bool Thread_impl::ToBeStopped(void) { return tobestopped; }