[3] | 1 | // %flair:license{
[15] | 2 | // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the
| 3 | // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
[3] | 4 | // %flair:license}
| 5 |
| 6 | // created: 2013/08/23
| 7 | // filename: HokuyoUTM30Lx.cpp
| 8 | //
| 9 | // author: Cesar Richard
| 10 | // Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253
| 11 | //
| 12 | // version: $Id: $
| 13 | //
| 14 | // purpose: classe intégrant le telemetre laser Hokuyo UTM 30lx
| 15 | //
| 16 | //
| 17 | /*********************************************************************/
| 18 |
| 19 | #include "HokuyoUTM30Lx.h"
| 20 | #include <SerialPort.h>
| 21 | #include <FrameworkManager.h>
| 22 | #include <RangeFinderPlot.h>
| 23 | #include <cvmatrix.h>
| 24 | #include <Tab.h>
| 25 | #include <sstream>
| 26 | #include <iomanip>
| 27 | #include <string.h>
| 28 | #include <iostream>
| 29 |
| 30 | using namespace std;
| 31 | using namespace flair::core;
| 32 | using namespace flair::gui;
| 33 |
[15] | 34 | namespace flair {
| 35 | namespace sensor {
[3] | 36 |
[15] | 37 | HokuyoUTM30Lx::HokuyoUTM30Lx(const FrameworkManager *parent, string name,
| 38 | SerialPort *serialport, uint8_t priority)
| 39 | : LaserRangeFinder(parent, name), Thread(parent, name, priority) {
| 40 | main_tab = new Tab(parent->GetTabWidget(), name);
| 41 | cvmatrix_descriptor *desc = new cvmatrix_descriptor(1081, 1);
| 42 | output = new cvmatrix((IODevice *)this, desc, SignedIntegerType(16));
[3] | 43 |
[15] | 44 | bufRetMut =
| 45 | new Mutex(reinterpret_cast<Object *>(this), (string)name + "BufRetMut");
| 46 | sendingCmdMut = new Mutex(reinterpret_cast<Object *>(this),
| 47 | (string)name + "SendingCmdMut");
[3] | 48 |
[15] | 49 | this->serialport = serialport;
| 50 | serialport->SetRxTimeout(100000000);
[3] | 51 | }
| 52 |
[15] | 53 | HokuyoUTM30Lx::~HokuyoUTM30Lx() {
| 54 | delete main_tab;
| 55 | SafeStop();
| 56 | Join();
[3] | 57 | }
| 58 |
[15] | 59 | void HokuyoUTM30Lx::Run(void) {
| 60 | /** Debut init **/
| 61 | char c, lastC;
| 62 | int startStep;
| 63 | bool mustDecode = false;
| 64 | stringstream ss;
| 65 | vector<string> ret;
| 66 | lastC = c = 0;
[3] | 67 |
[15] | 68 | /** Fin init **/
| 69 | resetConfig();
| 70 | startLaser();
| 71 | Printf("Laser started\r\n");
[3] | 72 |
[15] | 73 | /** Debut running loop **/
| 74 | WarnUponSwitches(true);
[3] | 75 |
[15] | 76 | while (!ToBeStopped()) {
| 77 | ss.clear();
| 78 | ss.str("");
| 79 | do {
| 80 | lastC = c;
| 81 | serialport->Read(&c, 1);
| 82 | ss << c;
| 83 | } while (!(c == '\n' && lastC == '\n'));
| 84 | ret = explode(ss.str(), '\n');
| 85 | if (!checkSum(ret.at(1)))
| 86 | perror("Bad Checksum !");
| 87 | if (ret.at(0).substr(0, 2) == "MD")
| 88 | mustDecode = true;
[3] | 89 |
[15] | 90 | startStep = atoi(ret.at(0).substr(2, 4).c_str());
| 91 | ret.erase(ret.begin());
| 92 | bufRetMut->GetMutex();
| 93 | bufRet.push(ret.at(0).substr(0, 2));
| 94 | bufRetMut->ReleaseMutex();
| 95 | if (mustDecode) {
| 96 | mustDecode = false;
| 97 | ss.clear();
| 98 | ss.str("");
| 99 | do {
| 100 | lastC = c;
| 101 | serialport->Read(&c, 1);
| 102 | ss << c;
| 103 | } while (!(c == '\n' && lastC == '\n'));
| 104 | ret = explode(ss.str(), '\n');
| 105 | ret.erase(ret.begin());
| 106 | ret.erase(ret.begin());
| 107 | if (ret.at(0).size() == 5)
| 108 | if (!checkSum(ret.at(0)))
| 109 | perror("TimeStamp checksum error!");
| 110 | ret.erase(ret.begin());
| 111 | Printf("!post\r\n");
| 112 | ret.pop_back();
| 113 | decodeDatas(ret, startStep);
[3] | 114 | }
[15] | 115 | }
| 116 | /** fin running loop **/
| 117 | stopLaser();
| 118 | WarnUponSwitches(false);
[3] | 119 | }
| 120 |
[15] | 121 | void HokuyoUTM30Lx::decodeDatas(vector<string> datas, int startStep) {
| 122 | stringstream ss;
| 123 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < datas.size(); i++) {
| 124 | if (datas.at(i).size() != 0) {
| 125 | if (!checkSum(datas.at(i)))
| 126 | perror("Datas checksum error !");
| 127 | datas.at(i).erase(datas.at(i).end() - 1);
| 128 | ss << datas.at(i);
| 129 | }
| 130 | }
| 131 | output->GetMutex();
| 132 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < 1080; i++) {
| 133 | // TODO: remettre -1 pour les points non lus
| 134 | output->SetValueNoMutex(i, 0, 0);
| 135 | }
| 136 | for (unsigned i = 0; i < ss.str().size(); i += 3) {
| 137 | output->SetValueNoMutex(startStep + (i / 3), 0,
| 138 | decode3car(ss.str().substr(i, 3).c_str()));
| 139 | }
| 140 | UpdateFrom(output);
| 141 | ProcessUpdate(output);
| 142 | output->ReleaseMutex();
[3] | 143 | }
| 144 |
[15] | 145 | bool HokuyoUTM30Lx::checkSum(string data) {
| 146 | return (char)encodeSum(data.substr(0, data.size() - 1).c_str(),
| 147 | data.size() - 1) == data.at(data.size() - 1);
[3] | 148 | }
| 149 |
[15] | 150 | void HokuyoUTM30Lx::startLaser() {
| 151 | string ret = sendCommand("BM");
| 152 | #ifdef VERBOSE
| 153 | if (ret == "00") {
| 154 | cout << "BM: Alright !" << endl;
| 155 | } else if (ret == "01") {
| 156 | cout << "BM: Laser malfunction !" << endl;
| 157 | } else if (ret == "02") {
| 158 | cout << "BM: Laser already started !" << endl;
| 159 | }
| 160 | #endif
[3] | 161 | }
| 162 |
[15] | 163 | void HokuyoUTM30Lx::stopLaser() { sendCommand("QT"); }
[3] | 164 |
[15] | 165 | void HokuyoUTM30Lx::resetConfig() { sendCommand("RS"); }
[3] | 166 |
[15] | 167 | vector<string> HokuyoUTM30Lx::explode(const string str, char delimiter) {
| 168 | istringstream split(str);
| 169 | vector<string> tokens;
| 170 | for (string each; getline(split, each, delimiter); tokens.push_back(each))
| 171 | ;
| 172 | return tokens;
[3] | 173 | }
| 174 |
[15] | 175 | int HokuyoUTM30Lx::encodeSum(const char *code, int byte) {
| 176 | unsigned char value = 0;
| 177 | int i;
| 178 | for (i = 0; i < byte; ++i) {
| 179 | value += code[i];
| 180 | }
| 181 | value &= 0x3f;
| 182 | value += 0x30;
| 183 | return value;
[3] | 184 | }
| 185 |
[15] | 186 | float HokuyoUTM30Lx::decode2car(const char *data) {
| 187 | return ((data[0] - 0x30) << 6) | ((data[1] - 0x30));
[3] | 188 | }
[15] | 189 | float HokuyoUTM30Lx::decode3car(const char *data) {
| 190 | return ((data[0] - 0x30) << 12) | ((data[1] - 0x30) << 6) |
| 191 | ((data[2] - 0x30));
[3] | 192 | }
[15] | 193 | float HokuyoUTM30Lx::decode4car(const char *data) {
| 194 | return ((data[0] - 0x30) << 18) | ((data[1] - 0x30) << 12) |
| 195 | ((data[2] - 0x30) << 6) | ((data[3] - 0x30));
[3] | 196 | }
| 197 |
[15] | 198 | string HokuyoUTM30Lx::sendCommand(string command) {
| 199 | char c;
| 200 | string ret = "00";
| 201 | c = '\n';
| 202 | sendingCmdMut->GetMutex();
| 203 | serialport->Write(command.c_str(), command.size());
| 204 | serialport->Write(&c, 1);
| 205 | sendingCmdMut->ReleaseMutex();
| 206 | return ret;
[3] | 207 | }
| 208 |
[15] | 209 | void HokuyoUTM30Lx::getMesure(int startStep, int endStep, int clusterCount,
| 210 | int interval, int scanNumber) {
| 211 | stringstream ss;
| 212 | string ret;
| 213 | ss << "MD" << std::setfill('0') << std::setw(4) << startStep << std::setw(4)
| 214 | << endStep << std::setw(2) << clusterCount << std::setw(1) << interval
| 215 | << std::setw(2) << scanNumber;
| 216 | ret = sendCommand(ss.str());
| 217 | #ifdef VERBOSE
| 218 | if (ret == "00") {
| 219 | cout << "MD: Alright !" << endl;
| 220 | } else if (ret == "01") {
| 221 | cout << "MD: Laser malfunction !" << endl;
| 222 | } else if (ret == "02") {
| 223 | cout << "MD: End Step has non-numeric value !" << endl;
| 224 | } else if (ret == "03") {
| 225 | cout << "MD: Cluster Count has non-numeric value !" << endl;
| 226 | } else if (ret == "04") {
| 227 | cout << "MD: End Step is out of range !" << endl;
| 228 | } else if (ret == "05") {
| 229 | cout << "MD: End Step is smaller than Starting Step !" << endl;
| 230 | } else if (ret == "06") {
| 231 | cout << "MD: Scan Interval has non-numeric value !" << endl;
| 232 | } else if (ret == "07") {
| 233 | cout << "MD: Number of Scan has non-numeric value !" << endl;
| 234 | } else if (ret == "98") {
| 235 | cout << "MD: Resumption of process after confirming normal HokuyoUTM30Lx "
| 236 | "operation." << endl;
| 237 | } else {
| 238 | /* Concerne :
| 239 | 21~49 --- Processing stopped to verify the error.
| 240 | 50~97 --- Hardware trouble (such as laser, motor malfunctions etc.)*/
| 241 | cout << "MD: Malfunction !" << endl;
| 242 | }
| 243 | #endif
[3] | 244 | }
[15] | 245 | cvmatrix *HokuyoUTM30Lx::getDatas() { return output; }
[3] | 246 |
[15] | 247 | void HokuyoUTM30Lx::UseDefaultPlot(void) {
| 248 | plot = new RangeFinderPlot(main_tab->NewRow(), "plot", "x", -100, 100, "y",
| 249 | -0, 100, output, -45, 225, output->Rows());
[3] | 250 | }
| 251 |
| 252 | } // end namespace sensor
| 253 | } // end namespace framewor