1 | // %flair:license{
2 | // This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the
3 | // CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
4 | // %flair:license}
5 | #include <fstream>
6 |
7 | #include "geodesie.h"
8 |
9 | #ifdef _MSC_VER
10 | #pragma warning(disable : 4244)
11 | #endif //_MSC_VER
12 |
13 | namespace Geodesie {
14 | /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
15 | Matrice::Matrice(const Matrice &A) {
16 | c0_l0 = A.c0_l0;
17 | c1_l0 = A.c1_l0;
18 | c2_l0 = A.c2_l0;
19 | c0_l1 = A.c0_l1;
20 | c1_l1 = A.c1_l1;
21 | c2_l1 = A.c2_l1;
22 | c0_l2 = A.c0_l2;
23 | c1_l2 = A.c1_l2;
24 | c2_l2 = A.c2_l2;
25 | }
26 | /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
27 | Matrice::Matrice() {
28 | c0_l0 = 0.0;
29 | c1_l0 = 0.0;
30 | c2_l0 = 0.0;
31 | c0_l1 = 0.0;
32 | c1_l1 = 0.0;
33 | c2_l1 = 0.0;
34 | c0_l2 = 0.0;
35 | c1_l2 = 0.0;
36 | c2_l2 = 0.0;
37 | }
38 | /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
39 | void Matrice::Apply(double v0, double v1, double v2, double &Mv0, double &Mv1,
40 | double &Mv2) {
41 | Mv0 = c0_l0 * v0 + c1_l0 * v1 + c2_l0 * v2;
42 | Mv1 = c0_l1 * v0 + c1_l1 * v1 + c2_l1 * v2;
43 | Mv2 = c0_l2 * v0 + c1_l2 * v1 + c2_l2 * v2;
44 | }
45 | /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
46 | Matrice ProdMat(const Matrice A, const Matrice B) {
47 | Matrice out;
48 |
49 | out.c0_l0 = A.c0_l0 * B.c0_l0 + A.c1_l0 * B.c0_l1 + A.c2_l0 * B.c0_l2;
50 | out.c1_l0 = A.c0_l0 * B.c1_l0 + A.c1_l0 * B.c1_l1 + A.c2_l0 * B.c1_l2;
51 | out.c2_l0 = A.c0_l0 * B.c2_l0 + A.c1_l0 * B.c2_l1 + A.c2_l0 * B.c2_l2;
52 |
53 | out.c0_l1 = A.c0_l1 * B.c0_l0 + A.c1_l1 * B.c0_l1 + A.c2_l1 * B.c0_l2;
54 | out.c1_l1 = A.c0_l1 * B.c1_l0 + A.c1_l1 * B.c1_l1 + A.c2_l1 * B.c1_l2;
55 | out.c2_l1 = A.c0_l1 * B.c2_l0 + A.c1_l1 * B.c2_l1 + A.c2_l1 * B.c2_l2;
56 |
57 | out.c0_l2 = A.c0_l2 * B.c0_l0 + A.c1_l2 * B.c0_l1 + A.c2_l2 * B.c0_l2;
58 | out.c1_l2 = A.c0_l2 * B.c1_l0 + A.c1_l2 * B.c1_l1 + A.c2_l2 * B.c1_l2;
59 | out.c2_l2 = A.c0_l2 * B.c2_l0 + A.c1_l2 * B.c2_l1 + A.c2_l2 * B.c2_l2;
60 | return out;
61 | }
62 |
63 | /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
64 | Matrice TransMat(const Matrice A) {
65 | Matrice out;
66 | out.c0_l0 = A.c0_l0;
67 | out.c1_l0 = A.c0_l1;
68 | out.c2_l0 = A.c0_l2;
69 | out.c0_l1 = A.c1_l0;
70 | out.c1_l1 = A.c1_l1;
71 | out.c2_l1 = A.c1_l2;
72 | out.c0_l2 = A.c2_l0;
73 | out.c1_l2 = A.c2_l1;
74 | out.c2_l2 = A.c2_l2;
75 | return out;
76 | }
77 |
78 | /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
79 | void Write(const Matrice A, std::ostream &out) {
80 | out << A.c0_l0 << "\t" << A.c1_l0 << "\t" << A.c2_l0 << "\n";
81 | out << A.c0_l1 << "\t" << A.c1_l1 << "\t" << A.c2_l1 << "\n";
82 | out << A.c0_l2 << "\t" << A.c1_l2 << "\t" << A.c2_l2 << "\n";
83 | }
84 |
85 | /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
86 | Raf98::~Raf98() { m_dvalues.clear(); }
87 |
88 | //-----------------------------------------------------------------------------
89 | bool Raf98::Interpol(double longitude, double latitude, double *Hwgs84) const {
90 | *Hwgs84 = 0.0;
91 | if (m_dvalues.size() == 0)
92 | return false;
93 | const double longitude_min = -5.5;
94 | const double longitude_max = 8.5;
95 | if (longitude < longitude_min)
96 | return false;
97 | if (longitude > longitude_max)
98 | return false;
99 |
100 | const double latitude_min = 42;
101 | const double latitude_max = 51.5;
102 | if (latitude < latitude_min)
103 | return false;
104 | if (latitude > latitude_max)
105 | return false;
106 |
107 | // conversion en position
108 | double longPix = (longitude - longitude_min) * 30.;
109 | double latPix = (latitude_max - latitude) * 40.;
110 |
111 | double RestCol, RestLig;
112 | double ColIni, LigIni;
113 | RestCol = modf(longPix, &ColIni);
114 | RestLig = modf(latPix, &LigIni);
115 |
116 | double Zbd = (1.0 - RestCol) * (1.0 - RestLig) * LitGrille(ColIni, LigIni);
117 | Zbd += RestCol * (1.0 - RestLig) * LitGrille(ColIni + 1, LigIni);
118 | Zbd += (1.0 - RestCol) * RestLig * LitGrille(ColIni, LigIni + 1);
119 | Zbd += RestCol * RestLig * LitGrille(ColIni + 1, LigIni + 1);
120 | *Hwgs84 = Zbd;
121 |
122 | return true;
123 | }
124 | /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
125 | double Raf98::LitGrille(unsigned int c, unsigned int l) const {
126 | const unsigned int w = 421;
127 | // const unsigned int h=381;
128 | return m_dvalues.at(c + l * w);
129 | }
130 | /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
131 | bool Raf98::Load(const std::string &sin) {
132 | std::ifstream in(sin.c_str());
133 | unsigned int w = 421;
134 | unsigned int h = 381;
135 |
136 | m_dvalues.reserve(w * h);
137 |
138 | char entete[1024]; // sur 3 lignes
139 | in.getline(entete, 1023);
140 | in.getline(entete, 1023);
141 | in.getline(entete, 1023);
142 |
143 | char bidon[1024];
144 | double val;
145 | for (unsigned int i = 0; i < h; ++i) {
146 | for (unsigned int j = 0; j < 52; ++j) {
147 | for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 8; ++k) {
148 | in >> val;
149 | m_dvalues.push_back(val);
150 | }
151 | in.getline(bidon, 1023);
152 | }
153 | for (unsigned int k = 0; k < 5; ++k) {
154 | in >> val;
155 | m_dvalues.push_back(val);
156 | }
157 | in.getline(bidon, 1023);
158 | if (!in.good()) {
159 | m_dvalues.clear();
160 | return false;
161 | }
162 | }
163 | return in.good();
164 | }
165 |
166 | } // namespace Geodesie
167 |
168 | /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
169 | /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
170 |
171 | /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
172 | // ALGO0001
173 | double Geodesie::LatitueIsometrique(double latitude, double e) {
174 | double li;
175 | li = log(tan(M_PI_4 + latitude / 2.)) +
176 | e * log((1 - e * sin(latitude)) / (1 + e * sin(latitude))) / 2;
177 | return li;
178 | }
179 |
180 | /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
181 | // ALGO0002
182 | double Geodesie::LatitueIsometrique2Lat(double latitude_iso, double e,
183 | double epsilon) {
184 | double latitude_i = 2 * atan(exp(latitude_iso)) - M_PI_2;
185 | double latitude_ip1 = latitude_i + epsilon * 2;
186 | while (fabs(latitude_i - latitude_ip1) > epsilon) {
187 | latitude_i = latitude_ip1;
188 | latitude_ip1 = 2 * atan(exp(e * 0.5 * log((1 + e * sin(latitude_i)) /
189 | (1 - e * sin(latitude_i)))) *
190 | exp(latitude_iso)) -
191 | M_PI_2;
192 | }
193 | return latitude_ip1;
194 | }
195 | /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
196 | void Geodesie::Geo2ProjLambert(double lambda, double phi, double n, double c,
197 | double e, double lambdac, double xs, double ys,
198 | double &X, double &Y) {
199 | double lat_iso = LatitueIsometrique(phi, e);
200 | X = xs + c * exp(-n * lat_iso) * sin(n * (lambda - lambdac));
201 | Y = ys - c * exp(-n * lat_iso) * cos(n * (lambda - lambdac));
202 | }
203 | /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
204 | // ALGO0004
205 | void Geodesie::Proj2GeoLambert(double X, double Y, double n, double c, double e,
206 | double lambdac, double xs, double ys,
207 | double epsilon, double &lambda, double &phi) {
208 | double X_xs = X - xs;
209 | double ys_Y = ys - Y;
210 | double R = sqrt(X_xs * X_xs + ys_Y * ys_Y);
211 | double gamma = atan(X_xs / ys_Y);
212 | lambda = lambdac + gamma / n;
213 | double lat_iso = -1 / n * log(fabs(R / c));
214 | phi = LatitueIsometrique2Lat(lat_iso, e, epsilon);
215 | }
216 | /// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
217 | double Geodesie::ConvMerApp(double longitude) {
218 | double phi0_Lambert93 = Deg2Rad(46.5);
219 | double lambda0_Lambert93 = Deg2Rad(3.0);
220 | double conv = -sin(phi0_Lambert93) * (longitude - lambda0_Lambert93);
221 | return conv;
222 | }
223 |
224 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
225 | void Geodesie::Geographique_2_Lambert93(const Raf98 &raf98, double lambda,
226 | double phi, double he, Matrice in,
227 | double &E, double &N, double &h,
228 | Matrice &out) {
229 | Matrice passage;
230 | double conv = Geodesie::ConvMerApp(lambda);
231 | double c_ = cos(conv);
232 | double s_ = sin(conv);
233 |
234 | passage.c0_l0 = c_;
235 | passage.c0_l1 = s_;
236 | passage.c0_l2 = 0.0;
237 |
238 | passage.c1_l0 = -s_;
239 | passage.c1_l1 = c_;
240 | passage.c1_l2 = 0.0;
241 |
242 | passage.c2_l0 = 0.0;
243 | passage.c2_l1 = 0.0;
244 | passage.c2_l2 = 1.0;
245 |
246 | out = ProdMat(passage, in);
247 | double diff_h;
248 | raf98.Interpol(Rad2Deg(lambda), Rad2Deg(phi), &diff_h);
249 | h = he - diff_h;
250 |
251 | Geodesie::Geo2ProjLambert(lambda, phi, n_Lambert93, c_Lambert93, e_Lambert93,
252 | lambda0_Lambert93, xs_Lambert93, ys_Lambert93, E,
253 | N);
254 | }
255 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
256 | void Geodesie::Geographique_2_Lambert93(const Raf98 &raf98, double lambda,
257 | double phi, double he, double &E,
258 | double &N, double &h) {
259 | Geodesie::Geo2ProjLambert(lambda, phi, n_Lambert93, c_Lambert93, e_Lambert93,
260 | lambda0_Lambert93, xs_Lambert93, ys_Lambert93, E,
261 | N);
262 |
263 | double diff_h;
264 | raf98.Interpol(Rad2Deg(lambda), Rad2Deg(phi), &diff_h);
265 | h = he - diff_h;
266 | }
267 | /**
268 | Converts Lambert93 coordinates (East, North, Height) into geographical
269 | coordinates in radians (Longitude = Rad2Deg(lambda), Latitude = Rad2Deg(phi),
270 | Height)
271 | */
272 | void Geodesie::Lambert93_2_Geographique(const Raf98 &raf98, double E, double N,
273 | double h, double &lambda, double &phi,
274 | double &he) {
275 | Geodesie::Proj2GeoLambert(E, N, n_Lambert93, c_Lambert93, e_Lambert93,
276 | lambda0_Lambert93, xs_Lambert93, ys_Lambert93,
277 | 0.0000000000000001, lambda, phi);
278 |
279 | double diff_h;
280 | raf98.Interpol(Rad2Deg(lambda), Rad2Deg(phi), &diff_h);
281 | he = h + diff_h;
282 | }
283 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
284 | void Geodesie::Lambert93_2_Geographique(const Raf98 &raf98, double E, double N,
285 | double h, Matrice in, double &lambda,
286 | double &phi, double &he, Matrice &out) {
287 | Geodesie::Proj2GeoLambert(E, N, n_Lambert93, c_Lambert93, e_Lambert93,
288 | lambda0_Lambert93, xs_Lambert93, ys_Lambert93,
289 | 0.0000000000000001, lambda, phi);
290 |
291 | Matrice passage;
292 | double conv = Geodesie::ConvMerApp(lambda);
293 | double c_ = cos(conv);
294 | double s_ = sin(conv);
295 |
296 | passage.c0_l0 = c_;
297 | passage.c0_l1 = -s_;
298 | passage.c0_l2 = 0.0;
299 |
300 | passage.c1_l0 = s_;
301 | passage.c1_l1 = c_;
302 | passage.c1_l2 = 0.0;
303 |
304 | passage.c2_l0 = 0.0;
305 | passage.c2_l1 = 0.0;
306 | passage.c2_l2 = 1.0;
307 |
308 | out = ProdMat(passage, in);
309 |
310 | double diff_h;
311 | raf98.Interpol(Rad2Deg(lambda), Rad2Deg(phi), &diff_h);
312 | he = h + diff_h;
313 | }
314 |
315 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
316 | void Geodesie::Geographique_2_ECEF(double longitude, double latitude, double he,
317 | double &x, double &y, double &z) {
318 | const double n = GRS_a / sqrt(1.0 - pow(GRS_e, 2) * pow(sin(latitude), 2));
319 | x = (n + he) * cos(latitude) * cos(longitude);
320 | y = (n + he) * cos(latitude) * sin(longitude);
321 | z = (n * (1.0 - pow(GRS_e, 2)) + he) * sin(latitude);
322 | }
323 |
324 | ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
325 | void Geodesie::ECEF_2_ENU(double x, double y, double z, double &e, double &n,
326 | double &u, double lon0, double lat0, double he0) {
327 | double slat = std::sin(lat0);
328 | double clat = std::cos(lat0);
329 | double slon = std::sin(lon0);
330 | double clon = std::cos(lon0);
331 |
332 | Geodesie::Matrice C;
333 | C.c0_l0 = -slon;
334 | C.c1_l0 = clon;
335 |
336 | C.c0_l1 = -clon * slat;
337 | C.c1_l1 = -slon * slat;
338 | C.c2_l1 = clat;
339 |
340 | C.c0_l2 = clon * clat;
341 | C.c1_l2 = slon * clat;
342 | C.c2_l2 = slat;
343 |
344 | double x0, y0, z0;
345 | Geographique_2_ECEF(lon0, lat0, he0, x0, y0, z0);
346 |
347 | x -= x0;
348 | y -= y0;
349 | z -= z0;
350 |
351 | C.Apply(x, y, z, e, n, u);
352 | }