Changeset 116 in pacpusframework for trunk/include/Pacpus/kernel/XmlComponentConfig.h

06/25/13 13:44:25 (11 years ago)
Marek Kurdej

Added: PacpusException - base class for all exceptions. DbiteExceptions inherits from it.
Added: PacpusLibConfig.h - dllimport/dllexport clauses separated from pacpus.h.
Update: comments.

1 edited


  • trunk/include/Pacpus/kernel/XmlComponentConfig.h

    r91 r116  
    17 #include <Pacpus/kernel/pacpus.h>
     17#include <Pacpus/kernel/PacpusLibConfig.h>
    1919#include <QDomElement>
    2323class XmlConfigFile;
    25 /** XmlComponentConfig
    26  * @brief Defines the XML structure of a component.
    27  */
     25/// XmlComponentConfig
     26/// @brief Defines the XML structure of a component.
    2827class PACPUSLIB_API XmlComponentConfig
    3029    friend class ComponentManager;
    32     /** Ctor of XmlComponentConfig.
    33      * @param name Name of the ComponentFactory, by convention equal to class name.
    34      */
    35     explicit XmlComponentConfig(const QString& name = QString::null);
     32    /// Ctor of XmlComponentConfig.
     33    /// @param name Name of the ComponentFactory, by convention equal to class name.
     34    explicit XmlComponentConfig(const QString & name = QString::null);
    37     /** Dtor of XmlComponentConfig. */
     36    /// Dtor of XmlComponentConfig.
    3837    ~XmlComponentConfig();
    40     /** Add the property @em name to the XML and set its value to @em 0 if it does not exist.
    41      * @param name Name of the property.
    42      */
     39    /// Adds the property @em name to the XML and set its value to @em 0 if it does not exist.
     40    /// @param name Name of the property.
    4341    void addProperty(const QString& name);
    45     /** Delete a property from the XML.
    46      * @return False if the property does not exist, false otherwise.
    47      */
     43    /// Deletes property @em name from the XML.
     44    ///
     45    /// @returns @b true if the property existed and was removed, @b false if the property did not exist or could not be removed.
    4846    int delProperty(const QString& name);
    50     /** Get the value of a property.
    51      * @param name Name of the property.
    52      * @param defaultValue Value returned if the property does not exist.
    53      * @return Value of the property, @em defaultValue otherwise.
    54      */
     48    /// Gets the value of a property.
     49    /// @param name Name of the property.
     50    /// @param defaultValue Value returned if the property does not exist.
     51    /// @return Value of the property, @em defaultValue otherwise.
    5552    QString getProperty(const QString& name, const QString& defaultValue = QString::null) const;
    57     /** Get the value of a property as a boolean.
    58      * @param name Name of the property.
    59      * @param defaultValue Value returned if the property does not exist.
    60      * @return Value of the property, @em defaultValue otherwise.
    61      */
     54    /// Gets the value of a property as a boolean.
     55    /// @param name Name of the property.
     56    /// @param defaultValue Value returned if the property does not exist.
     57    /// @returns Value of the property, @em defaultValue otherwise.
    6258    bool getBoolProperty(const QString& name, bool defaultValue = false) const;
    64     /** Get the value of a property as an integer.
    65      * @param name Name of the property.
    66      * @param defaultValue Value returned if the property does not exist.
    67      * @return Value of the property, @em defaultValue otherwise.
    68      */
     60    /// Get the value of a property as an integer.
     61    /// @param name Name of the property.
     62    /// @param defaultValue Value returned if the property does not exist.
     63    /// @return Value of the property, @em defaultValue otherwise.
    6964    int getIntProperty(const QString& name, int defaultValue = 0) const;
    71     /** Get the value of a property as a double.
    72      * @param name Name of the property.
    73      * @param defaultValue Value returned if the property does not exist.
    74      * @return Value of the property, @em defaultValue otherwise.
    75      */
     66    /// Get the value of a property as a double.
     67    /// @param name Name of the property.
     68    /// @param defaultValue Value returned if the property does not exist.
     69    /// @return Value of the property, @em defaultValue otherwise.
    7670    double getDoubleProperty(const QString& name, double defaultValue = 0.0) const;
    78     /** Set the value of a property.
    79      * @param name Name of the property.
    80      * @param value Value to set.
    81      */
     72    /// Set the value of a property.
     73    /// @param name Name of the property.
     74    /// @param value Value to set.
    8275    void setProperty(const QString& name, const QString& value);
    84     /** Check if a property exists.
    85      * @param name Name of the property.
    86      * @return True if the property exists, false otherwise.
    87      */
     77    /// Check if a property exists.
     78    /// @param name Name of the property.
     79    /// @return True if the property exists, false otherwise.
    8880    bool hasProperty(const QString& name) const;
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