

16:00 Changeset in pacpussensors [49] by phudelai
bug fixed
12:37 Changeset in pacpussensors [48] by phudelai
Flea3 repository name changed for PtGreyCameras more general name
12:35 Changeset in pacpussensors [47] by phudelai
Last update for the camera


22:08 PacpusSensors/SickPlugins edited by cfougera
recording configuration explained (diff)


18:34 Changeset in pacpussensors [46] by phudelai
Flea 3 plugin added


17:52 Changeset in pacpussensors [45] by DHERBOMEZ Gérald
Some modifications of build environment for Linux


17:00 PacpusTutorials/ManagingDbtFiles edited by DHERBOMEZ Gérald
15:37 PacpusTutorials/ManagingDbtFiles edited by DHERBOMEZ Gérald
15:20 PacpusTutorials/ManagingDbtFiles created by DHERBOMEZ Gérald
14:31 WikiStart edited by DHERBOMEZ Gérald


16:22 Changeset in pacpussensors [44] by phudelai
CANGATEWAY modified for Pacpus 0.1.x
16:17 Changeset in pacpusframework [307] by phudelai
branche 0.1.x: PACPUS numbering 0.1.0 => 0.1.1
16:16 Changeset in pacpusframework [306] by phudelai
Branche 0.1.x: deletion of useless magic search of location of …
13:34 Changeset in pacpusframework [305] by phudelai
BinaryDecoder.h corrected
12:10 Changeset in pacpusframework [304] by DHERBOMEZ Gérald
Branche 0.1.x: correction of macro FindPacpus, way to find PACPUS_ROOT …
Note: See TracTimeline for information about the timeline view.