
Adding component to the XML file

Let us suppose that we have just created a component MyComponent compiled to the library file called MyComponent.dll (release, Windows), MyComponent_.dll (debug, Windows), (release, Linux) or (debug, Linux).

Our XML file should look like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
        <!-- other components -->

        <component name="mycomp" type="MyComponent" />
        <!-- connections -->
    <!-- Windows (release) -->
    <plugins prefix="" postfix="" extension="dll">
        <plugin lib="MyComponent" />
        <!-- other plugins (libraries) -->

Plugin prefix, postfix, extension

To facilitate changing between various systems and build versions, you can specify prefix, postfix as well as extension for the library files in the plugins node. You will find some examples below.

Windows release:

    <plugins prefix="" postfix="" extension="dll">
        <plugin lib="MyComponent" />
        <!-- other plugins (libraries) -->

Windows debug:

    <plugins prefix="" postfix="_d" extension="dll">
        <plugin lib="MyComponent" />
        <!-- other plugins (libraries) -->

Linux release:

    <plugins prefix="lib" postfix="" extension="so">
        <plugin lib="MyComponent" />
        <!-- other plugins (libraries) -->

Linux debug:

    <plugins prefix="lib" postfix="_d" extension="so">
        <plugin lib="MyComponent" />
        <!-- other plugins (libraries) -->
Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on 11/21/13 11:32:16
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