source: flair-src/trunk/lib/FlairSimulator/src/Model_impl.cpp@ 285

Last change on this file since 285 was 218, checked in by Sanahuja Guillaume, 7 years ago

reduce delay between server and client for simulated vrpn

File size: 9.9 KB
[10]1// %flair:license{
[15]2// This file is part of the Flair framework distributed under the
3// CECILL-C License, Version 1.0.
[10]4// %flair:license}
[8]5// created: 2013/03/25
6// filename: Model_impl.cpp
8// author: Guillaume Sanahuja
9// Copyright Heudiasyc UMR UTC/CNRS 7253
11// version: $Id: $
13// purpose: classe definissant un modele a simuler
17#include "Model.h"
18#include "Model_impl.h"
19#include "Simulator.h"
[158]20#include "Simulator_impl.h"
[8]21#include "TabWidget.h"
22#include "Tab.h"
23#include "DoubleSpinBox.h"
24#include "Vector3DSpinBox.h"
25#include "SpinBox.h"
26#include "CheckBox.h"
[214]27#include "Matrix.h"
[8]28#include "Euler.h"
29#include <math.h>
31#ifdef GL
32#include "ConditionVariable.h"
33#include "Gui.h"
34#include "Gui_impl.h"
35#include <ISceneManager.h>
36#include <ISceneNodeAnimatorCollisionResponse.h>
37#include <IMetaTriangleSelector.h>
38#include <IVideoDriver.h>
39#include <ICameraSceneNode.h>
[69]40#include "FollowMeCamera.h"
[8]42using namespace irr;
43using namespace video;
44using namespace scene;
45using namespace core;
46using namespace io;
49using namespace flair::core;
50using namespace flair::gui;
51using namespace flair::simulator;
[15]53#ifdef GL
[158]54Model_impl::Model_impl(Model *self, std::string name,uint32_t modelId)
55 : ISceneNode(getGui()->getSceneManager()->getRootSceneNode(), getGui()->getSceneManager(), -1),
[202]56 Thread(self, name, 99), vrpn_Tracker(name.c_str(), getSimulator()->pimpl_)
[158]59Model_impl::Model_impl(Model *self, std::string name,uint32_t modelId)
[202]60 : Thread(self, name, 99), vrpn_Tracker(name.c_str(), getSimulator()->pimpl_)
[15]63 this->self = self;
[158]64 this->modelId=modelId;
66#ifdef GL
[15]67 // for sync with gui
68 cond = new ConditionVariable(this, name);
69 sync_count = 0;
[15]71 // collisions
72 collision_mutex = new Mutex(this);
73 collision_occured = false;
[15]75 // selector for collisions
76 selector = getSceneManager()->createTriangleSelectorFromBoundingBox(this);
77 setTriangleSelector(selector);
78 meta_selector = getSceneManager()->createMetaTriangleSelector();
[15]80 anim = getSceneManager()->createCollisionResponseAnimator(
81 meta_selector, this, vector3df(1, 1, 1), vector3df(0, 0, 0),
82 vector3df(0, 0, 0));
83 addAnimator(anim);
[15]85 // camera
[70]86 camera = new FollowMeCamera(this,name);
[15]88 position_init = false;
[15]91 // init user interface
92 Tab *tab = new Tab(getSimulator()->GetTabWidget(), ObjectName());
93 tabwidget = new TabWidget(tab->NewRow(), "tabs");
94 Tab *sampl = new Tab(tabwidget, "sampling");
95 dT = new DoubleSpinBox(sampl->NewRow(), "Tech (s):", 0.001, 1, 0.001, 3);
96 Tab *layout = new Tab(tabwidget, "optitrack");
97 enable_opti = new CheckBox(layout->NewRow(), "enabled");
98 Tab *init = new Tab(tabwidget, "init");
99 pos_init = new Vector3DSpinBox(init->NewRow(), "position", -50, 50, 1);
100 yaw_init = new SpinBox(init->NewRow(), "yaw (deg):", -180, 180, 10);
[15]102 // modele
103 states_mutex = new Mutex(this);
104 self->state[0].Pos = pos_init->Value();
105 self->state[0].Vel.x = 0;
106 self->state[0].Vel.y = 0;
107 self->state[0].Vel.z = 0;
108 self->state[0].Quat = ComputeInitRotation(Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0));
109 self->state[0].W.x = 0;
110 self->state[0].W.y = 0;
111 self->state[0].W.z = 0;
[15]113 self->state[-1] = self->state[0];
114 self->state[-2] = self->state[0];
[186]116 cvmatrix_descriptor *desc = new cvmatrix_descriptor(19, 1);
[15]117 desc->SetElementName(0, 0, "q0");
118 desc->SetElementName(1, 0, "q1");
119 desc->SetElementName(2, 0, "q2");
120 desc->SetElementName(3, 0, "q3");
121 desc->SetElementName(4, 0, "x");
122 desc->SetElementName(5, 0, "y");
123 desc->SetElementName(6, 0, "z");
124 desc->SetElementName(7, 0, "wx");
125 desc->SetElementName(8, 0, "wy");
126 desc->SetElementName(9, 0, "wz");
127 desc->SetElementName(10, 0, "vx");
128 desc->SetElementName(11, 0, "vy");
129 desc->SetElementName(12, 0, "vz");
[186]130 desc->SetElementName(13, 0, "ax");
131 desc->SetElementName(14, 0, "ay");
132 desc->SetElementName(15, 0, "az");
133 desc->SetElementName(16, 0, "mx");
134 desc->SetElementName(17, 0, "my");
135 desc->SetElementName(18, 0, "mz");
[214]136 output = new Matrix(this, desc, floatType, "state");
[148]137 delete desc;
[15]139 self->AddDataToLog(output);
141 getSimulator()->pimpl_->models.push_back(self);
[15]144Model_impl::~Model_impl() {
145 SafeStop();
146 Join();
[8]147#ifdef GL
[15]148 remove(); // remove ISceneNode
152Quaternion Model_impl::ComputeInitRotation(Quaternion quat_in) {
[15]153 Quaternion yaw_rot_quat;
154 Euler yaw_rot_euler(0, 0, Euler::ToRadian(yaw_init->Value()));
155 yaw_rot_euler.ToQuaternion(yaw_rot_quat);
156 return yaw_rot_quat * quat_in;
[15]159void Model_impl::mainloop(void) {
[218]160 struct timeval _timestamp;
[15]162 if (enable_opti->Value() == false)
163 return;
164 vrpn_gettimeofday(&_timestamp, NULL);
[15]166 // change to vrpn reference
167 states_mutex->GetMutex();
168 Quaternion quat = getSimulator()->ToVRPNReference(self->state[0].Quat);
[167]169 Vector3D<double> position = getSimulator()->ToVRPNReference(self->state[0].Pos);
[15]170 states_mutex->ReleaseMutex();
[15]172 pos[0] = position.x;
173 pos[1] = position.y;
174 pos[2] = position.z;
175 // warning: d_quat is defined as (qx,qy,qz,qw), which is different from
176 // flair::core::Quaternion
177 d_quat[0] = quat.q1;
178 d_quat[1] = quat.q2;
179 d_quat[2] = quat.q3;
180 d_quat[3] = quat.q0;
[15]182 char msgbuf[1000];
[15]184 d_sensor = 0;
[15]186 int len = vrpn_Tracker::encode_to(msgbuf);
[15]188 if (d_connection->pack_message(len, _timestamp, position_m_id, d_sender_id,
189 msgbuf, vrpn_CONNECTION_LOW_LATENCY)) {
190 fprintf(stderr, "can't write message: tossing\n");
191 }
[15]193 server_mainloop();
196#ifdef GL
[15]197ITriangleSelector *Model_impl::TriangleSelector(void) { return selector; }
[15]199IMetaTriangleSelector *Model_impl::MetaTriangleSelector(void) {
200 return meta_selector;
[15]203void Model_impl::UpdatePos(void) {
204 vector3df nodePosition;
205 Quaternion nodeOrientation;
206 Euler euler;
[15]208 states_mutex->GetMutex();
[15]211 nodePosition = ToIrrlichtCoordinates(self->state[0].Pos);
212 nodeOrientation = ToIrrlichtOrientation(self->state[0].Quat);
213 states_mutex->ReleaseMutex();
[15]215 setPosition(nodePosition);
[15]217 nodeOrientation.ToEuler(euler);
[151]218 ISceneNode::setRotation(Euler::ToDegree(1) * vector3df(euler.roll,euler.pitch, euler.yaw));
[15]220 if (position_init == false) {
221 anim->setTargetNode(this); // a faire pour se teleporter sans les collisions
222 position_init = true;
223 }
[15]225 self->AnimateModel();
[15]228void Model_impl::CheckCollision(void) {
229 // TODO: setEllipsoidRadius should be called in Model::setScale
230 // but we need to call recalculateBoundingBox
231 anim->setEllipsoidRadius(getTransformedBoundingBox().getExtent());
[15]233 if (anim->collisionOccurred() == true) {
234 vector3df pos;
235 vector3df pos_rel;
236 vector3df nodePosition;
237 pos = anim->getCollisionPoint();
238 nodePosition = getPosition();
239 pos_rel = pos - nodePosition;
240 // printf("collision %f %f %f\n",pos.X,pos.Y,pos.Z);
241 // printf("drone %f %f %f\n",nodePosition.X,nodePosition.Y,nodePosition.Z);
242 // printf("rel %f %f %f\n",pos_rel.X,pos_rel.Z,pos_rel.Y);
244 collision_mutex->GetMutex();
[15]245 collision_occured = true;
246 collision_point = ToSimulatorCoordinates(nodePosition);
[8]247 collision_mutex->ReleaseMutex();
[15]248 }
251void Model_impl::CollisionHandler(void) {
252 collision_mutex->GetMutex();
253 if (collision_occured == true) {
254 collision_occured = false;
255 states_mutex->GetMutex();
256 self->state[0].Pos = collision_point;
257 self->state[-1].Pos = self->state[0].Pos;
258 self->state[-2].Pos = self->state[0].Pos;
259 states_mutex->ReleaseMutex();
260 }
261 collision_mutex->ReleaseMutex();
[15]264void Model_impl::OnRegisterSceneNode(void) {
265 if (IsVisible)
266 SceneManager->registerNodeForRendering(this);
[15]268 ISceneNode::OnRegisterSceneNode();
[15]271void Model_impl::render(void) {
272 IVideoDriver *driver = SceneManager->getVideoDriver();
273 driver->setTransform(ETS_WORLD, AbsoluteTransformation);
[15]276// le premier arrive attend l'autre
277void Model_impl::SynchronizationPoint() {
278 cond->GetMutex();
279 sync_count++;
[15]281 if (sync_count < 2) {
282 cond->CondWait();
283 } else {
284 cond->CondSignal();
285 }
287 cond->ReleaseMutex();
289#endif // GL
291void Model_impl::Run(void) {
292 // Ask Xenomai to warn us upon switches to secondary mode.
293 WarnUponSwitches(true);
[8]295#ifdef GL
[15]296 // synchronize with gui
297 SynchronizationPoint();
[15]300 SetPeriodMS(dT->Value() * 1000.);
[15]302 while (!ToBeStopped()) {
303 if (dT->ValueChanged())
304 SetPeriodMS(dT->Value() * 1000.);
305 WaitPeriod();
307#ifdef GL
[15]308 CollisionHandler();
[15]310 states_mutex->GetMutex();
311 self->CalcModel();
[15]313 output->GetMutex();
314 output->SetValueNoMutex(0, 0, self->state[0].Quat.q0);
315 output->SetValueNoMutex(1, 0, self->state[0].Quat.q1);
316 output->SetValueNoMutex(2, 0, self->state[0].Quat.q2);
317 output->SetValueNoMutex(3, 0, self->state[0].Quat.q3);
318 output->SetValueNoMutex(4, 0, self->state[0].Pos.x);
319 output->SetValueNoMutex(5, 0, self->state[0].Pos.y);
320 output->SetValueNoMutex(6, 0, self->state[0].Pos.z);
321 output->SetValueNoMutex(7, 0, self->state[0].W.x);
322 output->SetValueNoMutex(8, 0, self->state[0].W.y);
323 output->SetValueNoMutex(9, 0, self->state[0].W.z);
324 output->SetValueNoMutex(10, 0, self->state[0].Vel.x);
325 output->SetValueNoMutex(11, 0, self->state[0].Vel.y);
326 output->SetValueNoMutex(12, 0, self->state[0].Vel.z);
[186]327 //todo: put acc and mag
328 output->SetValueNoMutex(13, 0, 0);
329 output->SetValueNoMutex(14, 0, 0);
330 output->SetValueNoMutex(15, 0, 0);
331 output->SetValueNoMutex(16, 0, 0);
332 output->SetValueNoMutex(17, 0, 0);
333 output->SetValueNoMutex(18, 0, 0);
[15]334 output->ReleaseMutex();
335 output->SetDataTime(GetTime());
[15]337 self->state.Update();
[15]339 if (pos_init->ValueChanged() || yaw_init->ValueChanged()) {
340 self->state[-1].Quat = ComputeInitRotation(Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0));
341 self->state[-2].Quat = ComputeInitRotation(Quaternion(1, 0, 0, 0));
342 self->state[-1].Pos = pos_init->Value();
343 self->state[-2].Pos = self->state[-1].Pos;
[8]344#ifdef GL
[15]345 position_init = false;
[15]347 }
[15]349 states_mutex->ReleaseMutex();
[15]351 self->ProcessUpdate(output);
352 }
[15]354 WarnUponSwitches(false);
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