
NOTE: For Flair version <= 0.2.2, see this page.

Flair SVN repositories

Repositories structure

Repositories have the following structure:

root of repository
 | -> tags
    | -> latest
    | -> 1.0
    | -> 1.1
    | -> 2.0
    | -> ...
 | -> trunk
 | -> branches
    | -> testing
    | -> ...
  • tags are stable versions of the repository. These versions are fixed and supposed to be functional; you do not have to issue a commit on tags. The latest tag is a copy of the last version.
  • trunk is the current version, still in development. When its state is judged stable, a copy of it is done in the tags.
  • branches are for parallel development; working on it does not interfere with the trunk. Branches can rejoin the trunk.


  • Normal users are not allowed to write (through commits) in the tags. Do not modify files in this folder, changes could be lost (at least they will not be versionned). If you need to modify files, you have to copy it in another place and work on the copy.
  • At the root of each repository there is a file called Version, with the current version number
  • In this documentation, it is often indicated to use tags/latest version of a repository; yet it is possible to use the trunk (or even a branch) by replacing tags/latest with trunk (or with branches/branch_name) in the repository address. Thus you can develop without changing tags.

flair-src repository

The sources of Fl-AIR stuffs; its URL is

It is organized as follows:

  • demos: demos using Fl-AIR
  • lib: FL-AIR libraries sources
  • tools: FL-AIR tools sources (ground control station, etc)
  • cmake-modules: modules for cmake
  • models: models used by Fl-AIR simulator
  • scripts: scripts for developing with Fl-AIR

flair-hds repository

Some additional software is available for Heudiasyc users only. This software is not included in flair repositories because of license incompatibility with flair.

flair-hds repository is organised as flair-dev, flair-bin and flair-src repositories. It contains the following directories:

  • src: the sources
  • bin: some compiled libraries, sources are not include in this repo (mainly for DSP)
  • dev: some header files (mainly for DSP)
Last modified 6 years ago Last modified on Aug 26, 2019, 3:31:26 PM
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