
Running a component

When we created a component and created and XML file for it, we are now going to run the program which will load this component.

Note: Make sure that you have installed the component library to the bin directory of Pacpus.

Note: We will now suppose that we are in the bin directory of Pacpus installation.

Using DbitePlayer

Warning: This is for testing purposes only, DbitePlayer and your component will run in the same process.

Windows release:

DbitePlayer.exe MyComponent_Dbite.xml

Linux debug:

./DbitePlayer MyComponent_Dbite_d.xml

Using Sensor

Warning: This is for testing purposes only, Sensor and your component will run in the same process.

Windows debug:

Sensor.exe MyComponent_Sensor_d.xml

Linux release:

./Sensor MyComponent_Sensor.xml

Using your own executable

Use ComponentManager.


Last modified 11 years ago Last modified on 11/21/13 12:29:01
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