
NOTE: For Flair version <= 0.2.2, see this page

Get repositories

Depending on what you are doing with Fl-AIR, there are several options for getting the repositories.

If you are an Heudiasyc user, you also need flair-hds repository, see here.

Only developing applications based on latest Fl-AIR version

To get the latest version of Fl-AIR run the following commands:

$ svn co flair-src

Developing applications based on multiple versions of Fl-AIR

If you need more than one version of Fl-AIR on your computer, on solution is to do the following:

$ svn co flair-src_svn

This will sync all the repositories. To avoid this have look at --set-depth svn command.

Then make a symbolic link to the version you need:

$ ln -s flair-src_svn/tags/0.0.1 flair-src

Developing on Fl-AIR

To develop on Fl-AIR (lib, tools or demos), you need the trunk. It can be also a good idea to have the tags.

$ svn co flair-src_svn

This will sync all the repositories. To avoid this have look at --set-depth svn command. example, to only checkout the trunk:

# svn co --depth immediates flair-src_svn (only checkout branches name)
# cd flair-src_svn/trunk
# svn up --set-depth infinity

Then make a symbolic link to the trunk:

$ ln -s flair-src_svn/trunk flair-src
Last modified 6 years ago Last modified on Aug 26, 2019, 3:31:08 PM
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