Framework Libre Air
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File List
Here is a list of all documented files with brief descriptions:
 AfroBldc.hClass for Mikrokopter's blctrlv2
 Ahrs.hAbstract class for AHRS
 AhrsData.hClass defining AHRS datas
 AhrsKalman.hClass defining an Ahrs Kalman filter
 BatteryMonitor.hBase class for battery monitor
 BlCtrlV2.hClass for Mikrokopter's blctrlv2
 Bldc.hBase class for brushless motors drivers
 Box.hAbstract class to display a box on the ground station
 ButterworthLowPass.hClass defining a Butterworth low pass filter
 Camera.hBase class for Camera
 CheckBox.hClass displaying a QCheckBox on the ground station
 ComboBox.hClass displaying a QComboBox on the ground station
 ConditionVariable.hClass defining a condition variable
 ConnectedSocket.hClass defining a socket working in connected mode
 ControlLaw.hBase class for control law
 cvimage.hClass defining an image of kind IplImage
 cvmatrix.hClass defining a matrix of kind CvMat
 cvmatrix_descriptor.hClass describing cvmatrix elements, for log and graphs purpose
 DataPlot.hAbstract class to display plots on ground station
 DataPlot1D.hClass displaying a 1D plot on the ground station
 DataPlot2D.hClass displaying a 2D plot on the ground station
 DoubleSpinBox.hClass displaying a QDoubleSpinBox on the ground station
 Euler.hClass defining euler angles
 EulerDerivative.hClass defining an euler derivative
 FrameworkManager.hMain class of the Framework library
 GeoCoordinate.hClass defining a point by its lla coordinates
 Gps.hBase class for GPS
 GridLayout.hClass displaying a QGridLayout on the ground station
 GroupBox.hClass displaying a QGroupBox on the ground station
 Gx3_25_ahrs.hClass for 3dmgx3-25 ahrs
 Gx3_25_imu.hClass for 3dmgx3-25 Imu
 HdsX8.hClass defining a HDS X8 uav
 HokuyoUTM30Lx.hClasse intégrant le telemetre laser Hokuyo UTM 30lx
 I2cPort.hBase class for i2c port
 Imu.hBase class for Imu
 ImuData.hClass defining IMU datas
 io_data.hAbstract class for data types
 IODataElement.hAbstract class for accessing an element of an io_data
 IODevice.hAbstract class for input/ouput system
 JoyReference.hClass creating references from a joystick
 Label.hClass displaying a QLabel on the ground station
 LaserRangeFinder.hClasse generique des telemetres laser
 Layout.hAbstract class to display a layout on the ground station
 LayoutPosition.hClass to define a position in a layout on the ground station
 LowPassFilter.hClass defining a first order low pass filter
 Map.hClass displaying a GPS map on the ground station
 Mb800.hClass for mb800 gps receiver
 MetaDualShock3.hClasse intégrant la manette DualShock3 et les consignes joystick
 MetaUsRangeFinder.hClasse haut niveau pour capteur à ultra son
 MetaVrpnObject.hClasse haut niveau intégrant un objet VRPN
 Mutex.hClass defining a mutex
 NestedSat.hClass defining a PID with saturations
 Novatel.hClass for Novatel gps receiver
 Object.hBase class for all Framework's classes
 OneAxisRotation.hClass defining a rotation around one axis
 Picture.hClass displaying a Picture on the ground station
 Pid.hClass defining a PID
 PidThrust.hClass defining a Pid for Thrust
 Ps3Eye.hClass for Ps3Eye camera
 PushButton.hClass displaying a QPushButton on the ground station
 Quaternion.hClass defining a quaternion
 RadioReceiver.hBase class for radio receiver
 RangeFinderPlot.hClass displaying a 2D plot on the ground station for laser range finder like Hokuyo
 RotationMatrix.hClass defining a rotation matrix
 RTDM_I2cPort.hClass for real time i2c port using RTDM
 RTDM_SerialPort.hClass for real time serial port using RTDM
 SendData.hAbstract class for sending datas to ground station
 SerialPort.hBase class for serial port
 SharedMem.hClass defining a shared memory
 SimuAhrs.hClass for a simulation Ahrs
 SimuBldc.hClass for a simulation bldc
 SimuCamera.hClass for a simulation camera
 SimuCameraGL.hClass for a simulation camera
 SimuGps.hClass for a simulation GPS
 SimuImu.hClass for a simulation Imu
 SimuUs.hClass for a simulation UsRangeFinder
 SimuUsGL.hClass for a simulation us
 SimuX4.hClass defining a simulation x4 uav
 SimuX8.hClass defining a simulation x8 uav
 Socket.hClass defining a UDP socket
 SpinBox.hClass displaying a QSpinBox on the ground station
 Srf08.hClass for ultra sonic SRF08
 Tab.hClass displaying a QTab on the ground station
 TabWidget.hClass displaying a QTabWidget on the ground station
 TcpSocket.hClass defining a Tcp socket
 TextEdit.hClass displaying a QTextEdit on the ground station
 Thread.hAbstract class for a thread
 TrajectoryGenerator1D.hClass generating a trajectory in 1D
 TrajectoryGenerator2DCircle.hClass generating a circle trajectory in 2D
 Uav.hBase class to construct sensors/actuators depending on uav type
 UavMultiplex.hClass defining uav multiplexing
 UdtSocket.hClass defining a UDT socket
 Unix_I2cPort.hClass for unix i2c port
 Unix_SerialPort.hClass for unix serial port
 UsRangeFinder.hBase class for UsRangeFinder
 V4LCamera.hBase class for V4l camera
 Vector2D.hClass defining a 2D vector
 Vector3D.hClass defining a 3D vector
 Vector3Ddata.hClass defining a 3D vector and a io_data
 Vector3DSpinBox.hClass displaying 3 QDoubleSpinBox for x,y,z on the ground station
 VrpnClient.hClass to connect to a Vrpn server
 VrpnObject.hClass for VRPN object
 Watchdog.hWatchdog Class
 Widget.hAbstract class for all Framework's widget classes
 X4X8Multiplex.hClass defining X4 and X8 multiplexing
 XAir.hClass defining a xair uav
 XBldc.hClass for Xufo Bldc